Season 2 - Episode 6: The Girl And The Ninja

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"Look," the blue shy guy sneered. "Times have been rough, so don't take this personal."
He and his gang surrounded a small girl - and she looked distressed.
"Just give us your coins, and no one gets hurt. Capiche?"

Sheik was busy on their daily patrol. Most days they'd do small things - saving cats from trees, breaking up fights...
Other days, they'd catch criminals and save a few lives. There was really no consistency here.
Today seemed to be one of the more peaceful days though. They'd already been patrolling for almost an hour, and the issues they've faced were minor ones.
It seemed all was well in the Mushroom Kingdom.
They went to return home, then -

"No! Stay back! You won't get my coins!!"

Sheik's eyes widened - someone needed their help at the beach.
They ran as quickly as they could and flipped into the scene, landing in front of the Shy Guy Gang with shurikens in hand.
"Woah!" The little girl beamed, "Who are you?"
Sheik didn't answer.
"Leave this girl. Many criminals I face are terrible people...but robbing a child? You...are disgusting."

"Disgusting?" The head shy guy scoffed. "We're just trying to make a bit of dough in this upside-down world."

"I reiterate - through robbing a child?"

"Yeah, it's a low point for us," a red shy guy spoke.
"But we're not leaving empty-handed," the head shy guy growled, "So why don't you both empty your pockets?"

Sheik glared.
"This is your last warning. Leave this girl alone, or I will force you to."
"You wanna fight? Fine, then - it's five against one."
They smirked.
"Then it's a fair fight."

Sheik threw the shurikens - the Blue one barely dodged, but Red and White were both hit - White was down, Sheik ran forward and threw him into Green.
Green fell over - Red lunged, Sheik ducked, grabbed his foot, and slammed him onto the ground, only for the Pink one to come up from behind and kick them in the back -
They stumbled forward and quickly spun around, catching his fist and kicking him between the legs.

"Yeah!" The girl cheered, "Get 'em!"

Sheik smirked at the blue shy guy - the leader.
"Do you still want to fight against me? Or do you want to take your friends and go?"
He stopped...
...and then sighed.
"Fine. I can admit when I've lost - my guys are down, and clearly you could pummel me into a pound cake."
"Wise decision." Sheik said, "Now go."

"We're going, we're going!" He whined.
His friends all slowly got up and followed him out.
"Can't catch a break these days..." he muttered.

Sheik turned to the girl, only to find that she was completely starstruck.
"You. Are. SO COOL!!" She beamed, "How did you do that?! That was- that was AWESOME!"
"Thank you." Sheik responded. "Though I must ask...what is a child like you doing out here all by herself?"
"Well, don't get me wrong - I'm from this universe, but I don't live around here, so...I'm pretty much lost," the girl explained, "I'm going to the desert! Could you give me directions?"

Sheik stopped.
A girl like this, walking alone, all the way to the desert...?
She was already jumped once...
...and she was defenseless, too.

They faced the girl. "I will accompany you there. It's dangerous to go alone."
Stars formed in her eyes. "You will?"
Sheik nodded. "Yes. I'll make sure you arrive to your destination safely, so you must not worry."
"Thank you!" The girl beamed, "Well, let's go!"

As they walked, Sheik learned something, and they learned something quick - this girl liked to talk.
"You're so good at fighting! Where did you learn all of that?! Could you teach me too?!"
"No." Sheik responded. "Training requires time and dedication - and even if it didn't, I would never put a child in danger."
"Oh," the girl frowned. "...What about when I'm older! Could you teach me then?"
Sheik smiled.
"I'll think about it."

Sheik found this girl's curiosity to be endearing - it reminded them of themself when they were her age. They had always wanted to befriend anyone, learn anything...
She made them feel nostalgic.

They were quickly snapped out of their thoughts by the girl - who had noticed the silence and felt awkward about it.
"You're very serious," the girl remarked.
"I must be." Sheik replied "If I weren't serious, my enemies would not take me seriously - and even worse, I may make a mistake."
"It's okay to make mistakes. I do it all the time!"
"Mistakes are a normal part of life,"
Sheik frowned,
"But my job does not allow for them."
"Well you're very skilled!" The girl beamed. "You must have practiced a lot."
"I have."

As they continued walking, the girl kept looking around in wonder - she had never been here before, and there were so many things to see!
By now, they were near toad town. The girl hadn't seen so many diverse people before! She knew about the worlds colliding, but...
...this place must have been a hot spot for rifts opening.

"This place is amazing!" She gasped, "All these different people...I wonder what kinds of stories they have to tell!"
"Tons, I'm sure." Sheik confirmed. "But you must be careful - not every stranger you see will have good stories behind them."
"What about you?" She looked up at Sheik with curiosity in her eyes.
"What's your story?"

Sheik paused.
"That is not important."

"Sure it is!" The girl beamed. "Everyone's important!"
Sheik smiled.
"Fine. I will tell you, I suppose. We still have some time before we arrive at the desert. Ask me anything you'd like - I will answer to the best of my ability."

"YES!" She cheered. "I have tons of questions! Like - why did you become a ninja? And who taught you?"

They...didn't expect those questions.
But they promised an answer.

"I chose this path simply because I wanted to learn self-defense and stealth. I was severely underestimated before my training - I wanted to change that. Now I protect others in this upside-down universe. I must protect those who cannot protect themselves."

"That's so brave!" She beamed, "You're like, a hero!"

"It's nothing." Sheik replied.
"As for who taught me...A friend. A close friend taught me everything I know. He insisted I learned to fight, and I complied."

"Wow! Whoever they were must really care for you!"

Sheik frowned.
"Yeah...he does."

"I had someone like that too!" She trailed off, "He helped me when I was in trouble, just like you did! I joined him after that...but now I'm visiting another friend of mine!"

"Your friends are lucky to have someone as kindhearted as you." Sheik responded.

Their conversation ended at a nice place - because now they stood at the edge of the desert.
Sheik had successfully escorted the girl to her destination.
"We've arrived." Sheik announced.

"Thank you so much!" The girl smiled. "I hope I'll see you again! Bye!!"

"Goodbye, and good luck."
Sheik through a smoke bomb and disappeared.

"So cool..." the girl was starstruck.
She snapped herself out of her thoughts and turned around. Her friend was waiting for her!

"Hi Professor Toad!" The girl beamed.
"Oh!" He smiled,

"Hello Olivia!"

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