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If you were to ask Betty Louise Grimes how her morning went, she would've responded with the same thing she would always say

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If you were to ask Betty Louise Grimes how her morning went, she would've responded with the same thing she would always say. Same ol', same ol'. She would get ready, her parents would fight, somehow Betty's name would get dragged into it, she'd get in the middle of their argument, say something cruel and head on off to school. Usually, it'd be a good day but Betty's parents had been fighting so much recently, it started getting rough.

The bus drive was seemingly quiet that day. Betty had her headphones plugged in on her iPod and would watch the streets of the town pass by as the bus drove. Everyone always said she was visual learner. You show her something, she'll do it. It was how she was raised.

Once she got to school, she carried on with the usual routine. Go to the bathroom with her friends, get high in the stalls, ditch 1st, 2nd and 3rd period by going somewhere in town (and secretly hoping she wouldn't run into her father anywhere) and then come back for 4th period. Her entire junior year had only consisted of this routine. Even when her parents found out and told her to stop with it, she still did it, she didn't care.

Straight out of high school, Rick and Lori Grimes had their firstborn daughter on October 29th and named her Betty Grimes. She was the cutest damn thing anyone ever did see.

That cuteness lasted up until her younger brother, Carl, was born. Oh, how she envied the young boy at the age of seven. Eventually, she learned to love him. Especially when she realized she could always blame her milk mess ups and the vase on the glass table breaking on him.

Once Betty hit middle school, that's when things took a turn in her life. Not only was she living in her personal hell — which was puberty — but she gained new friends that led her into gaining new habits. Bad ones, at that. They were good friends, the best of friends that Betty ever had but their habits would definitely be the type to get her in trouble and in fact, they did.

Middle school came and went and Betty and her friends went on to high school. Betty's habits became more of an everyday thing. And she was becoming a "chronic absentee" in school. It said so on her record. So did 'caught smoking on school grounds', 'destruction of school property' and 'constantly gets into fights'.

Lori and Rick often wondered where they went wrong with their firstborn. And maybe it was partly their fault — once Betty reached the age of fourteen, that's when their fights became bad. At least they were doing good with Carl, they hoped.

Betty headed on into her 4th period — which was art and chatted with her friends, starting in on a new project that Miss Thompson gave them to work on. Miss Thompson was a bitch but Betty liked art. It was the one thing she was good at besides learning how to do a French inhale.

She had been talking about God knows what kinda teen drama was running through the school at that point and shared her laughs with her friends and suddenly, someone walked in the room and Betty hadn't been paying attention to who did because she was so wrapped up in her own conversation.

"Betty," The girl turned her head and to her shock, she noticed her Uncle Shane, standing next to her teacher.

Shane Walsh wasn't her uncle, not by blood, at least. No, he was her dad's best friend. He was practically her and Carl's godfather. And she was wondering what the hell he was doing here. He was suited up in his deputy uniform and looked like he had worry in his eyes.

Betty had always been prepared for this conversation since the day she learned how to talk. Something happened to her dad and she knew it because Shane had come to pick her up from school instead of her mom.

Then again, Betty was a troubled kid and Shane could've also been there to talk to her. And if it was Shane and not her parents, she was in big trouble. Every bad thing that Betty did in the last few months ran through her head. She shoplifted a couple times, used a fake ID for alcohol and stayed out after a party until 4am. And none of which her parents knew about.

Shane waited for Betty to pack up and Betty hurried as she did so. She knew that if she kept Shane waiting, he'd be even more mad if it was something she did. With her heart in her hand, she headed out of the classroom and prepared herself for what she was gonna say in her head.

Betty looked to her right and saw Shane in the hall and headed toward him. "Shane." She said and Shane steadied himself, ready to deliver the most horrible news that Betty was ever going to hear in her life.


"Shane, I swear to you, I didn't do anything and if I did, I swear to God, I don't know—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Betty, this isn't about you, kid." Shane told.

"Wait, then why—?"

Betty's heart dropped to her stomach and she knew what was coming.

"Betty, it's your dad. He's been shot."

hey, lovelies!this was pretty short but i'm excited for it!i am very excited for betty's character and her development is *chef's kiss*-mya </3

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hey, lovelies!
this was pretty short but i'm excited for it!
i am very excited for betty's character and her development is *chef's kiss*
-mya </3

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