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    Needless to say, Lori reacted how any normal mother reacted when their child was hit by an adult — she flipped the fuck out

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Needless to say, Lori reacted how any normal mother reacted when their child was hit by an adult — she flipped the fuck out. Andrea and Jacqui had to calm Lori down and even Betty had to put her mind at ease. Ed was currently in his tent, avoiding anyone in this goddamn camp.

The day continued and Betty and Lucas had decided to go to Lucas's janky van to take the edge off of this crazy day. Lucas rolled up a joint for the two to smoke. Luckily, the two were smart with the few braincells they both had and didn't do this shit every single day so they had enough to last them a lifetime at least.

The two were in silence with their highs when Lucas spoke: "Bett, I think tonight's the night." Betty furrowed her brows and coughed. "The night you finally quit smoking weed? Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen." She joked and Lucas put on a fake chuckle. "Haha, very funny."

"I mean... I think tonight's the night I finally ask Amy out. And I'm serious this time." Lucas stated. "You always say that. You said this two nights ago." Betty told, checking the mirror in the van and putting eye drops in. "Okay, my epiphany to do this only appeared two nights ago but she's cool and she's funny and she's..."

Betty turned to her friend. "Hot?" She guessed.
"Smoking hot." Lucas nodded.

"What are you trying to do? Get in her pants? Great, way to make it awkward for everybody. This isn't high school anymore, you can't just bang her then forget her face and her name when she talks to you." Betty told as she blinked her eyes with the eye drops in them. "And speaking of which: do you even talk to her? Because the only times I have ever seen you talking to her is when I'm talking to her." Betty explained to the boy as she handed the eye drops to him.

"Okay, I haven't thought all of this through but... you think tonight's good?" Lucas asked, trying to gain input from his friend. Betty stared at her friend before responding: "Andrea told me her birthday's tomorrow. Maybe do it then?"

The two exit the van carefully and Betty and Lucas spot Andrea and Amy coming back from the lake after going fishing. They had brought back a lot of fish for dinner tonight.

       Morales was the first to notice Andrea and Amy getting back. "Oh, baby. Will you look at that? Ladies, because of you, my children will eat tonight. Thank you." Andrea and Amy smile. "Thank Dale. It's his canoe and gear." Andrea tells.

      "Mom, look. Look at all the fish." Carl tells as Morales turns around with the fish towards Lori and it yearly hits her. Carl is amazed with the amount of fish on the hook. "Whoa." Carl comments. "Yeah, whoa." Betty agrees on the convo. "Where did you two learn to do that?" She asks as Lucas grabs a water bottle for her and himself.

"Our dad." Amy answers and Carl asks: "Can you teach me how to do that?" Amy nods: "Sure! I'll teach you all about nail knots and stuff. If that's okay." She then catches Lori's eye with the assurance part. "You won't catch me arguing." Lori shrugs.

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