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The first few weeks of camping out in the woods have not been kind to Betty Grimes

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The first few weeks of camping out in the woods have not been kind to Betty Grimes. A thousand mosquito bites and river water to wash clothes. Now, she had gone from a wild child to a naturalist in the short weeks they were camping here. Since then, they've lost people, they've stayed together. They've formed bonds. A couple of the others had decided to go on a run but they hadn't made it back yet. It had put everyone on the edge since they weren't back yet.

Betty had preoccupied herself with helping the group out with chores. Currently, she was tying the knots on the dock. A clove hitch knot — like Shane taught her and Carl. As she finished up the last knot, she turned her head as she overheard Amy Harrison on the CB. She had gotten in contact with someone.

The Grimes girl rushed over to Amy as Dale stood over her, trying to make out what the person was saying on the radio. Betty looks towards her mom and brother as they were trying to make out what the person was saying, as well. Amy shakes her head in defeat and looks to Dale. "He couldn't hear me. I couldn't warn him."

"Try to raise him again," Dale suggested and looked toward Shane to help out. "Come on, son. You know best how to work this thing." Shane slams the axe he was holding onto the table and gets ahold of the radios. "Hello, hello, is the person who called still on the air?"

Nothing but static.

"This is Officer Shane Walsh, broadcasting a person unknown, please respond." Shane tried but there still had been nothing but static.

Shane stopped and put the radio down. "He's gone." He said. Lori looked around to the group. "There are others. It's not just us."

"Yeah, We knew there would be, right? That's why we let the CB on." Shane said. "Lots of good it's been doing," Lori told. "And I've been saying for a week, we ought to put signs up on 85 to warn people away from the city."

"Folks got no idea what they're getting into." Amy agreed with Lori and Betty did, too. There were people that had to be warned about going to the city, where those things were crawling with. "It's our job to warn them. I mean, if it were us, we'd wanna know if we were going into a trap." Betty stated and Shane looked toward the teenager.

"We don't have enough time." Shane said, completely disregarding everyone's opinions on helping others out. He stands up from his seat. "I think we need to make time." Lori suggested.

Shane wipes his hand on his scruffed skin. "Yeah, that, uh... that's a luxury we can't afford. We are surviving here. We are day to day."

"And who the hell would you propose to send?" Dale questioned. "We already have a group out there, we can't lose more." Betty told, referring to the group they sent out in the city.

"I'll go," Lori volunteered. "Give me a vehicle." She spoke with a stern voice, directing it towards Shane. Betty could tell by the irritation growing in her mother's voice.

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