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    Shane ruled Jim's behavior as him suffering from heatstroke and that Jim had this wild dream that made him dig these holes

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Shane ruled Jim's behavior as him suffering from heatstroke and that Jim had this wild dream that made him dig these holes. That was the only explanation and to Betty, it seemed logical.

    Nights by the bonfire were always the best. Everyone talking, bonding, having a great time. Betty always liked these type of nights with the camp. As Betty had taken another bite of her fish, Morales had drew the attention over to Dale — resting his head on his knuckle, his arm propped up as if he were flaunting his watch. "I've got to ask you, man. It's been driving me crazy."

Dale drew a confused expression on his face. "What?"Morales points towards Dale's wrist. "That watch." Dale looks at his watch. "What's wrong with my watch?" He asks. "I see you every day, the same time, winding that thing like a village priest saying mass." Morales points out and everyone is nodding in agreement. "I've wondered this myself." Jacqui inquires.

"I'm missing the point." Dale tells. "Unless I've misread the signs, the world seems to have come to an end," Jacqui leans forward. "At least hit a speed bump for a good long while." Morales adds on: "But there's you every day winding that stupid watch."

"Like clockwork," Lucas speaks up. "Pun intended." Some of the campers laugh at the joke.

"Time..." Dale starts. "It's important to keep track, isn't it? The days at least." The man turns over to Andrea. "Don't you think, Andrea? Back me up here." Andrea chuckles a bit uncomfortably and shakes her head. So, Dale decides to tell the story.

"I like... I like what, um, a father said to son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said, 'I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine or my father's before me; I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment now and then and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it.'" Betty furrowed her brows as he told the story. She almost didn't understand the words coming from Dale's mouth but somehow did.

Amy broke the silence and spoke: "You are so weird." The camp laughed as she did so. "It's not me. It's Faulkner. William Faulkner. Maybe my bad paraphrasing." Dale stated and Betty takes one last bite of her fish that's on her plate.

Amy then gets up from the campfire and Andrea looks up at her younger sister curiously. "Where are you going?" Andrea asks. "I have to pee," Amy informs. "Jeez, you try to be discreet around here..." Everyone laughs as Amy walks away.

As everyone else carries on with their own conversations, Lucas leans over towards Betty and whispers. "Should I go for it when she comes out of the bathroom?" Lucas asks. "I thought you were gonna do it tomorrow." Betty furrows her brows. "No, I got something planned at the quarry." Lucas had further explained how when Amy got out of the bathroom, he was gonna steal her away over to the quarry and ask her out there.

"If that's what's considered romantic in a world like this, we are screwed." Betty tells. "Go for it." Before Lucas gets up, Betty pulls him back down by his collar and says in a threatening voice. "Don't. Chicken. Out." She let go and fixed his shirt and he had gotten up.

That was the last thing Betty had remembered. And that was the last thing she wanted to remember. Not the following events. No, in her mind, this was the way the day ended. Not how it occurred moments later. No, the next thing she did was go to sleep - she didn't witness any of her friends die in front of her. No, that's ridiculous.

Unfortunately for Betty Grimes that wasn't the case.

The first thing everyone heard was Amy's screams as a geek had bitten her on the arm. Next to her, Lucas watched in horror. Amy had fallen but the geek wasn't done yet. It went over to her and bit her on the shoulder next.

      The camp had been filled with those things as if they were drawn to the scent of the humans there. "Mom!" Carl screams and Betty manages to make her way to her mother and Carl, Lori holding both of her children protectively.

      In front of them, Shane had grabbed his gun and loaded it, yelling: "Lori, get them down!" He begins to shoot several geeks in his way. Betty was shaken with fear and couldn't even look up at the sight.

       Everyone else has begun to fight the geeks off, some being lost in the process. Lori had grabbed her kids and stood behind Shane. Carl and Betty were sandwiched between Lori and Shane as Shane fought the geeks off. "Shane, what do we do? Shane?" Lori questioned. "Follow me!"

      Betty watches the scenes around her, growing in fear of who may still be alive and who may now be dead. All she knew was that she didn't want to be next. The fight had continued and Shane keeps Lori, Betty and Carl close. Carol and Sophia had been right behind the Grimes family and Shane.

     Shane had been trying to get everyone up to the Winnebago and Betty nearly screamed and pointed out the geek in front of Shane and he shot it. "Get to the RV! Go!" Betty hears Morales yell.

     Soon enough, Morales was the only one left in the circle of geeks. The campers are yelling for him when suddenly, the other group had come back. Glenn, Daryl, T-Dog and Rick had all come back in time to fend off the rest of geeks.

     In the distance, Betty heard her father yell: "Baby! Betty! Carl!" Carl had been the first to notice their father and yelled: "Dad!" Carl had ran into his father's arms crying.

      Betty had done so next and ran right into her father's arm and her eyes welled up in tears. "Daddy!" Rick had wrapped his arms around his two children and walked over to Lori and hugged him in a fragile state. The family all cried with one another as they held onto one another in the fears and thanking God that they were all okay.

      All of the geeks were gone and everyone had then turned their attention to Andrea. She had been kneeling over her younger sister, who Betty remembered was bitten by one of those things. Betty looked over in time as Amy took her last breath.

      Carl had seen that his family was turned over to Andrea and Amy and looked in that direction and also began to cry. Betty begins to sob in her father's arms, as well as Carl.

      Andrea begins to cry over her sister's body and nearby, Betty sees through glossy eyes that Lucas had been sitting near Amy and Andrea, maybe a foot over and he had watched the scene with his mouth agape. He had seen the whole thing.

      In the distance, Betty heard Jim's voice. "I remember my dream now, why I dug the holes."


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well ... that happened
also i promise: betty's gonna have some character development, along with lucas- they aren't always gonna be scared but for the sake of character development - it's gonna happen this way lol
thank you for reading!!
-mya </3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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