☞︎︎︎Danger is near☜︎︎︎

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Eid mubarak everyone

Recap:Jann, Vaishu and reem want to tell avneet that siddharth is a mafia but......

Let's continue.. .

Jann-Avu we need to tell you something

Avu-Yes tell me

Reem-Avu sid is.......

Phone rings*
It was from sid.

On call.

Sid-Guys where is mom??

Vaishu-She isn't at home

Sid-But where is she?

Vaishu-Yesterday she went to her friends house and returned late at home but right now she is not at home

Sid-Shit means danger is near

Vaishu-I'll see if she is here or not


Call ends*

She keeps the phone and told the girls everything except avu

That's it for today

What will happen next??

Love you all❤️


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