☞︎︎︎5 months later☜︎︎︎

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Hey guys✨How are you all??

Recap-Sidneet first kiss🥺💗

Let's continue....

Avu-I want to do shopping today...



Jann-Please let's goo

Boys-What is the use of going shopping?

Vaishu-I want to go please i need to buy clothes and all

Abhi-Yaar Vaishu you have too many.

Vaishu-Please Abhi

Avu-Sid please🥺

Sid-No Avuuu

Avu-Fine don't talk to me

Sid-Fine we'll go.Such a blackmailer

Avu-Good boy now tell your brothers to go please

Sid-Brothers you know your girlfriend. So before any drama of your girlfriend. Let's go

Boys except Sidshek-Fineee. Let's go

Then they went...

Vaishu-Abhi let's go with me.


Jann-Faisuu let's goo





Jai-Ok ok i am coming.


Avu-Yaar baby.


Avu-Do you know that i don't have to behave like your girlfriend in front of them

Sid-Yes i know

Avu-Then why you don't listen to me?

Sid-When i didn't listen to you?

Avu-You are saying like you listen every thing that i tell you.

Sid-Will you start shopping or what??


Sid-Let's gooo

Avu muttered-Rudee

Sid-I heard thatt

Avu-I hate you.

Sid-I love you too💗.

Avu-Whatever let's goo

Then they wentt..............

They went shopping and thennnn

Skip to 5 months later....

Sid's pov

Today is Avu's birthday. I haven't wish her. Tonight party.I wanna propose her for marriage. Bhai propose Vaishu di for marriage 3 weeks ago.Faisu also propose Jann. And jai he also. Yaar every one wants to get married soon. Every one told me that they proposed by someone but today i want to propose her. I already told mom about our relationship and she is happy. So i am sure that she will accept Avu as her daughter-in-law. Anyways i will take help from bhai because i help him when he was proposing di.

Pov ends


Sid-Yaar Avi why are you yelling?

Avu-I am calling you since a long time and you are dreaming.

Sid-Anyway Avu.Wanna go shopping?


Sid-Jann,reemi and Vaishu di are going. Go with them.


Sid-And come here.


Sid-Here is my card. Use it

Avu-No Sid. I will pay by myself don't worry.

Sid-No take it and use it. Buy everything you want.

Avu-But Sid......

Sid-Avuuu.... Go na and usee the card



Avu-Fine. By the way thanks.

Sid-Go(kiss her forehead)



That's it for today

Hope you guys like it..

Love you all🤧🥺❤️

Keep supporting💗


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