
308 21 2

Hello guys....What's up?....This story is not interesting or what?..You all are not comment like before..Why??...Anyways...Let's start...


Siddharth is going to surprise Avneet.At 21.00

Let's continue

At 21.00

Sid-Avni let's go

Avu-Did you inform mom and dad?

Sid-I have inform everyone...


Then they went...In car.Sid blindfold Avu

Avu-Why are you blindfolding me?

Sid-Don't worry I am not going to kidnap you...


Sid-I will surprise you...It's surprise Avni...Can't you wait?

Avu-No...I am so excited.

Sid-Ok...I can understand your excitement...

After sometimes they arrived...Did picked Avi in a bridal style...

Avu-What are you doing Sid?

Sid-Nothing..Just picking you in strong arms


Sid-Because I want to...Now let's go and stop questioning me...You were excited.Right?


Sid-So can we go quietly?


Sid-Let's goo...

Then they enter...When they enter..Sid put Avni down..and remove the blindfold....Avu saw the place and saw Sid on his one knee...

Sid-Avni...I never did a proposal and even we were dating I never propose you..I mean you propose me..Our proposal was very special even if it was not a proper one..You are very beautiful most beautiful girl...Cutest girl i have ever seen...Since you came,I felt like my life is complete...You are the reason of my happiness and I want to spend my whole life with you...I want to complete my future with you...So Avneet Kaur will be Mrs.Siddharth Nigam?
(A/N-Guys I don't know if you love the proposal or not?...If it is bad then I am so sorry...It's the first time that I am writing a proposal so...)

Avu was dumbstruck...It's been 2 minutes she is still shocked and didn't say anything..

Sid-So...I take it as no?

Avu-No...I mean Yes...I will be Mrs.Siddharth Nigam...

Sid stand up and hug her tightly...She hug him back...They stay in this position for 2 minutes...

Avu-I love you🥺🤍

Sid-I love you too😩💗

They stayed like this for 2 minutes


Sid-What happened?

Avu-I am hungry

Sid-You just eat

Avu-But i am hungry now also!!

Sid-What you want to eat?

Avu-Ice cream

Sid-Ice cream?..You are hungry

Avu-Then MCdonald's

Sid-Ok...Let's go

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