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Hey people....Why are you being slient readers...🤨..Anyways let's start...


Sidneet really enjoyed with each other...

Let's continue...

After enjoy with eachother...Sidneet went home...They knocked at the door....Vaishu open the door...

Vaishu-Ahh!!!My lover birds are finally back...

She shouted to tell everyone

Sid-Yeah di...But let us enter now

Everyone came including RITIKA....(A/N-😂😈)

All except Rits-Welcome home...

Jann-Hope you enjoyed....

Avu-Can we enter please?

They chuckled and let Sidneet enter...

Jai-So how was your day?

Sid-Let us sit now

Abhi-Let them....They are tired because last night they enjoyed too much(smirking)

Sidneet-SHUT UP!!(blush)

VA-Aww..!!🥺💗...Look at my blushing children


All except Rits laughed

Avu-Oh hey Ritika


Sid-When you came?

Rits-As if you don't know that I am coming

Avu-I didn't know seriously..

Rits-Sid you knew it

Sid-Don't call me Sid...It's Siddharth for you...Only my friends call me Sid...(coldly)

Rits-We're friends na

Sid-We are not friends



Abhi-Sid come here


He passed in front of Rits giving her a death glare...

AM-Anyways let's go....In the kitchen....


AD-So??Avneet we have a question for you?

Avu-What's that?

All-How was last night?


Vaishu-Did something happened?(Smirking)

Avu-No...I swear nothing happened


Avu-It's just a proposal not honeymoon

Jann-Then you are ready for your honeymoon

Avu-We have to do marriage first

Faisu-Someone is too desperate

Avu-I am not

All-When say it's you?


AD-She is blushing too much


All laughed at her condition...

VA-Ok shut up all...Stop bother my soon to be daughter in law....

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