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RECAP:5 months later.... Everyone got to know about Sidneet's dating and Abhi propose Vaishu for marriage, Jai propose propose to Reem too and also Faisu to Jann.... Except Sidneet.... It's Avneet's birthday....Sid gave her his card to go to shopping....

Let's continue.....

Sid's pov...

I am wondering what can i do for Avu's birthday.... Of course i am going to propose her but........Am going ask bhaiiii......I did surprise her at 12:00 a.m.

Flashback(Still Sid's pov)


Mom went in Avu's room.....

Avu-Aunty you still awake?

VA-Can you come with me please?

Avu-Sure..Let's goo..

Then they came.....

Avu-Why is every where dark? Auntyyyy.... Where are youu???....... Is anyone here?



Avu-Oh my God guysss!!!!!! All for me?

Sid-Yess jaann.....

Avu hugged uss.....

Avu-Thank you🥺💗..

Abhi-Come Avneetayy.....
(A/N-I miss Abhi calling Avneet,Avneetayy)

Sid-Avniii I have a surprise for youhh.....Comee with me....

We went in the living room...

Avu-Mom, dad.....

AM,AD-Happy birthday my princess..

Avu-Thank you mom.....

She took blessing from her parents...

Vaishu-Come Avu,you'll cut the cakee...

Jann-Make a wishhh....

She make a wishh.....and then cut the cakee....

She feed her parents then me and then mom and then others...... She again hug her parents.......We enjoy for some time then we decided to. Go to sleep as i was too late......While going I pulled Avnii in my roomm......

Avu-What are you doing Sid?

Sid-Happy birthday lovee..🥺💗

Avu-Thank you babyyyy..... ❤️

Sid-I have some surprise for youuuhhh.......

Avu-Realllyyy?? (Excited)

I noddedd.....

I gave her a necklace,bracelet and 2 dairy milk.

Avu-Thank youhh so much Sidd......

She hugged me tightlyyy.....

Avu-I love you💗

Sid-I love you too....

I have more gifts but now tomorrow.....

Sid-Can you still sleep here?

Avu-Of course....

Sid-Will you be comfortable?

Avu-As if first time we're sleeping together.

Sid-I mean cuddles

Avu-Siddharth we are not going to cuddle for first time.Right?


Then they sleep cuddling with each other....

Flashback endss.....

Abhi-Sid you here??

Sid-Bhaiii help me...

Abhi-What happened now??



Sid-I want to propose Avnii


Sid-Tell me.....

VA(From downstairs) -Ashu,Abhi come heree.....

Sidshek-Coming momm....

They wentt....

Sid-What happened?

VA-Ritika is coming to stay at our place for 2 months....


(A/N-Girls went to shopping.... REMEMBER!!! All means the boyss.....)


VA-What do you mean by why??

Sid-Mom I hate her and you know that

VA-But i can't do anything ashuu

Jai-When she is coming?


Sid-Good i can enjoy my love's birthday peacefully todayy......

All smirked at me...... Like what the fuck.... She is my love.... I love herr....

Faisu-We need to decorate this...

Sid-Bhaii help me....

Abhi-Let's go

Jai-Helpp why???


Abhi-He wants to propose Avneetay for marriage

Sid-So what you all did? Then what about mee? I didn't complain......

Abhi-Wahhh!!! The Siddharth Nigam is being romantic too much since Avneetay camee!!!!

Sid-Mommmm....... 😫😫😫Bhaiii is troubling me....

VA-Abhiii...Go back to what you were doing boyss....The girls maybe on their wayy....


(A/N:You must be wondering where is Avu's parents,they went shopping with the girls)...

That's it for today....

Hope you guys it.....

Sorry for extra late update.....

Love you all🤧🥺💗

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