☞︎︎︎OH MY GOD!!☜︎︎︎

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Recap:Avu accepted that she loves Sid. She told only Abhi and she also Abhi to think of an idea to propose Sid.

Let's continue............

Then they went back to the room

Vaishu - Avu Jann was asking tomorrow what we will visit

Avu-I don't know tomorrow will see


*Knock knock*

Avu-I'll go and see


Then Avu went and she saw Sid

Avu-Oh hey Sid!!Ready??

Sid-Yes..Where is Bhai and Vaishu??

Avu-Come they are inside

Then he enters

Abhi-Hey Sid


Sid-Hey where are the others??

Avu-Maybe in their room

Vaishu-Let's go and see


Then they went and others were waiting for them in the garden

Avu-Why are you all in the garden??

Sid-Let's go

Faisu-We were all waiting for you

Vaishu-No need to

Abhi-Anyways let's go

Jann-Guys there is a bad news for you all especially Sid

All except jann-What happened??

Jann-Ritika shifted in our hotel and i guess that she will take breakfast, lunch and dinner with us


Abhi-Don't worry Sid as i told stay away from her

Sid-How will i when she always flirt with me and why only mee

Jai-We need to do something

All except Jai-What to do??

Jai-When she talk to us we need to ignore her

Avu-But how can we when she is stubborn


Reem-We need to think of something else

Avu-Yeah but will she take dinner with us right now?

Jann-I don't think so

Avu-Let's ask the receptionist the number of her room and then we all girls will go and ask her

Boys except Sid-We will go too

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