Chp-Drunk Avu🥴💫

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Heyyyy people.....

Let's start ...

At home..With Sidneet:

Sid-Ufff!!!I am tired....


Sid pull her towards him and she is now on top of him...

Avu-What are you doing Sid?

Sid-Nothingg...Let's sleep

Avu-Let's go to the club tonight..

Sid-We'll ask others

Avu-Ok...Now go to sleep now

Sid-Come to sleep with me...

Avu-No i am going with the girls


She went and sleep sleep..

With Avu:

Avu-Guys what about going to the club tonight?

Vaishu-We need to ask the boys...


Avu-Sid agreed!!

All except Avu-Okayy.

Jann-What to do now?

Reem-Let's chose our clothes for tonight


They chose...

They chose

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They choose that

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They choose that...

At the club:

Sid-These people are gross...

Boys-True (making a disgusting face)

Vaishu-What about shots girls?


Boys-No...Don't drink if not we'll not be able to handle you

Girls glared at them and they ignore them....After 15 minutes..

Avu-Heyyy Sidddd....( drunk tone)

Sid-Avu are you drunk?

Avu-Drunk?...What is this?..

Sid-Heyyyy bhagwan...

Avu-Where is bhagwan?

Sid-areyy!!Avu let's go home

Avu-No let's dance


Avu-Don't scream and let's dance...

Sid-Avu please let's go...


Sid-Avu jaan please.Let's go home...

Avu-No i am going with the girls...


He pick her in bridal style and went out..

Avu-Why you bring me here?

Sid-Avu jaan let's go home....Please


He ignore her and they went home...

Avu-I hate you..

Sid-Arey jaa-.

Before he could say anything she black out.he signed and put avu on the bed and went to bed too...After 15 minutes others came and the same happen...

That's it for today...Hope you guys like it.. keep voting and supporting and thank you for 40 followers🥺💗...Love you all🤍

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