9. My Cousin's Getting Hitched and I'm Getting Revenge

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Warning - Swearing ahead, so if you're susceptible to that kind of thing, I suggest you don't read on. 

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I collapsed on my bed, tired from all the planning. Tired, but satisfied beyond measure. He will pay. He will pay for the stupid shower.

Remember those boxers? The one's that skunked up the bottom of my cupboard so that I had to wear a gas mask to get it out and examine it? Yeah that one. That was going to be the heart and soul of this beautiful piece of work. Fling smelly underwear in my face will you? Well underwear shalt be thy downfall.

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I bolted upright "What? Who? I didn't do it!" I cried, still half asleep. I blinked blearily and then the blurred figure of my excited sister came into focus. "Why'd you wake me up for?" I mumbled, yawning in a most unladylike fashion.

"GWEN!" she squealed and jumped up and down. Ugh.

"Yes, Celia, that is me. Gwen. No need to shout" I muttered throwing the covers back over my head and retreating into the cozy darkness. At least until said cozy darkness was brutally ripped off of me by some very Celia-like hands.

"Nooo..." I moaned, hands flailing as the light penetrated my eyes. "I wish I was a vampire"

"You're already half there — now get up!" and with that she yanked at the bedsheet, pulling it to the ground. With me still on it.

"Oww..." I groaned and rubbed my bruised tailbone "Fine. Fine. I'll get up. No need to get violent" I said and got up to look at my terrible excuse for a sister. Her eyes were positively shining with excitement, face tinted red from her weird sugar-high, and if I weren't so sleepy and annoyed I would actually be wondering why. I glared. "What?"

"Brush your teeth and get your ass down. Now." She still had that creepy, bright smile of hers plastered on her face. I looked at her suspiciously "What's up?" I said, peering at her through half-closed lids. I still wasn't fully awake yet. Stupid woman. "Never mind you, just get ready and get down" and with that she flounced out of the room.

I did as I was told. Why? Because when Celia got into this creepy-ass mood of hers, she was capable of anything. Including hiding my dead body. If you catch my drift. Yeah.

Glaring at my reflection in the mirror as I brushed, I wondered what could make her this excited. She was usually so quiet and reserved. I mentally groaned. It must be bad if it could make her this hyper.

I dragged myself downstairs. Why does it have to be me? Why do I always have to-I stopped mid-thought as I descended the last flight of stairs. My mouth fell open,


Meet Gabriella Atkins, first cousin from my mother side. She's one of the few of our family who made it all the way out of this stupid town, and is currently off seeing the world in her last year of University. She's always been the oldest of the cousins and, by far, the coolest one I've ever known. Besides, she's just like me — just an older, hotter version of course.

I stood gaping and she rolled her eyes "You look like someone set fire to your books". When I looked horrified at the thought she laughed and beckoned me over. That was all the encouragement I needed.

I barreled into her so fast I could be the Looney Toons Roadrunner, and we fell to the ground in a laughing heap.

"Gabby! It really is you!" I laughed and hugged her. She grinned and ran her hands through her hair, so much like mine. "What are you doing here?"

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