12. Pairings

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It was the fourth day out of the thirty one that I wouldn't be having my books. Needless to say, I wasn't holding up so well. I was surlier than ever and barely talked to anybody at all. The most I did was glare. When I did leave my room, it was to eat, because I knew my mother dearest would refuse, point-blank to bring my meals up to my door and I got hungry too fast for me to go without eating.

I woke up, my head pounding. I probably shouldn't have binge-watched Supernatural. At least I was gaining on the episodes. I hate Bela. I really do. DEAN TH-

"Gwen, wake up!"

"Oww" I moaned, holding my head as the sunlight wreaked havoc on my eyes. Why? Why couldn't it just rain? "What is it?"

"Gabby's here"

I jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom, nearly knocking Celia to the ground in the process.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" I managed through a mouthful of frothing toothpaste.

"I did" she said, exasperatedly. I stuck my tongue out at her reflection as I rinsed. Yay! Gabby was here! Grabbing my glasses from the stand, I ran past Celia. Well more like into her, since I actually did knock her to the ground this time. "Watch where you're going!" I ignored her protests and took the stairs two at a time.

"Gabby!" I cried, throwing myself into her arms "I missed you! Everyone here hates me!"

"You were the one on the roof, Gwen, not us" Mum called from the kitchen and I scowled, whispering "She grounded me. Took all my books away for a month"

"You deserve it" Celia said from the top of the stairs, rubbing her bum.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, looking up at my to-be-married cousin, ignoring my grouch of a sister (yeah, yeah, I shouldn't be saying that but still).

"I can't just drop by?" Gabby asked, laughing.

"Don't you have wedding plans? Of course you can't just drop by" Celia interjected "So what's up?"

"We've set the date for the engagement party and since you guys are bridesmaids..." Gabby trailed off, looking at me uncertainly "You don't have to come, Gwen. It's not that important. Just tell me if you change your mind?"

"Who said I wasn't coming?" I asked indignantly.

"Well, are you?" she challenged

"No" I muttered, disgruntled.

"Thought so, and Aunt Jen?"

"Yes, dearest?"

"You're coming for The Journey, aren't you?" My ears perked up at this "Can I come?" I asked.

The Journey was an age-old custom of the town, like the marriage customs in District 12 (or so I liked to think – our town was more boring than President Coin's chin hair). Married women would take brides-to-be to a specific place somewhere, to do god-knows-what before the wedding. I'd searched for it frequently but in vain. It took five days for the hoodoo (it wasn't real hoodoo, just hoodoo for our purposes so calm your mammalian glands) to wrap up, five days, and six nights only. Custom also dictated that only women were allowed, and only the married ones. No one had ever imparted the secret and to do so was a crime worse than murder. I'd seen brides go and come back with this...look. Once you went there, there was no turning back. You'd have to get married. It was one of the final milestones in an engagement and after that your marriage was set in stone. But I asked anyway – maybe this time they'd actually let me.

But of course, I just got glared at and, of course, given bad news.

"Of course not, don't be stupid" Mum snapped. I scowled. Dang. Another year "And while we're on the subject, since Stace and I are going to be gone, your father and Thomas are going to be taking care of the four of you. No," she added, looking at the look of horror on my face "No arguments. Just let it go. I want no fights, no complaints and most of all no pranks" More scowling ensued on my part at this announcement. I wanted to protest. I wanted to tell her I didn't want to be anywhere near him. For my own safety. I mean, the guy isn't going to keep quiet, not after I displayed his glorious underthings to the rest of the world.

"You have to, Gwen, I'm sorry. Unless of course you want to be married" Gabby supplemented, pity on her face. I scowled at her too. Mr. Moron? In my house? Fine. If that's the way it's going to be, I better get my water balloons ready.

"She is" Celia piped in and the scowl on my face was replaced with a look of incredulity.

"I am?" I said, uncertainly.

"Devon Whitfield is at the altar, Gwen dearest, maybe you should get your whites ready" Celia smirked and I blushed a deep crimson.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" I said, defiantly. Well, as defiantly as I could with my face on fire. Somehow, I don't think it really did the trick. Gabby laughed and even Mum cracked a grin.

"You guys suck" I muttered looking out the window into the Whitfield's front lawn. The garage was opening up and a silver car, whose name I haven't the slightest inkling of, was pulling out.

"We might, but we are invited to the wedding, are we not?" Mum asked absentmindedly, as she checked things off on her fingers.

"Shut it" I muttered as Mr. Moron paused and looked up at the roof. I followed his gaze and grinned. The Official Flag Of Mr. Moron-Land rippled on its flagstaff, straight and proud. It didn't matter. Let him come, I'd be ready for him.

"She put his boxers on the roof. I don't know howshe even got those" Celia stage-whispered. I pulled my eyes away from the aforementioned boxers and looked at her, horrified. "He threw them at me!"

"That's what she said" Gabby piped in

"No one asked you Gabriella Atkins" I snapped back at her "Whose side are you even on?!" I cried, aghast, as I caught her exchanging looks with Mum and Celia.

"Oh whatever!" I huffed and got up. "I'm taking a shower" I called back over my shoulder.

"Check for blood" was all she said, which I ignored. Maybe today I would wear the purple shorts and shirt. I riffled through my clothes. Maybe the pair would be right. Maybe today would be a good day. Maybe.


Proper pairings were important for good days, okay?




And as I pulled out my purple oversized tee and plum-colored short, I couldn't help but think that all was right in the world – my cousin was getting married, there'd be good food at the wedding, I was going to sneak out to the library later this evening and The Official Flag Of Mr. Moron-Land still fluttered magically in the wind, bringing peace to my troubled soul.

Oh, and Destiel, of course. Almost forgot that, silly me.

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A/N: A little filler to set things for the next few chapters. Does The Journey seem too pretentious? I don't want to be one of those authors who just randomly creates situations for their ships to 'bond' or whatever. Tell me if you feel that way and I'll do something about it. Maybe.

Anyways, this is just a quick update because in less than a week I have my Math CIE AS Level examination. And then Psych, Psych, Stats after that. I am so dead. I'll update maybe after it's over? I dunno. It's why I updated today. Don't worry, there's loads to come. I'm not giving up on this story yet.

Keep Calm and Ship Ship Hippo


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