Chapter Nine : Complete

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Blossomtail awaited anxiously at the apprentice's den the next morning. She sat with Redpaw, Lightpaw, and Shadepaw in the cool morning air. Frostedshoe was watching nearby. Last night, after talking to Frostedshoe about the prophecy, he summoned his kits to the den. 

Blossomtail explained the prophecy to them, and they understood. Redpaw and Lightpaw fight with Frostedshoe, and Shadepaw is supposed to banish Goldenstar. He didn't know how he was supposed to do that, and Blossomtail guessed that it was Shadepaw who delt the killing blow.

They planned the rest of the night, and now she thought they were ready, granted she did not feel ready.

Goldenstar padded out of his den, his white fur sparkling in the sun. Frostedshoe joined him, and they met Blossomtail with the apprentices.

"Are you ready for your assessement?" Goldenstar asked.

Redpaw, Lightpaw, and Shadepaw nodded.

"Good, now then..."

"Hold it," Frostedshoe interrupted.

"Excuse me?" Goldenstar glared at Frostedshoe, and the deputy did not back down.

"I will not let you harm my kits, you traitorous cat," he snarled. "It was you who killed Treestar to become leader and you poisoned Yellowfang! How we call you a leader is proposterous!"

"How dare you speak out against me?" Goldenstar spat. "To think i could trust me own deputy."

"I will not let you touch my kits," he snarled. "Your new law is at its end."

Frostedshoe leaped at Goldenstar, clawing at his face and chest. Goldenstar yowled defiantly, and bashed Frostedshoe's head against the ground. He was momentarily stunned.

Blossomtail felt anger bubble up in her chest. She leaped in, slashing her claws against Goldenstar's cheek. She felt warm blood on her paws, and she felt satisfied with herself.

Goldenstar swung back, expecting to clock the old medicine cat, but Redpaw and Lightpaw jumped into the fray, both grabbing onto his foreleg and pulling him away.

The clan gathered around to watch the three apprentices and their medicine cat and deputy fight their leader. "He has led us wrong far too long!" Blossomtail thought.

Redpaw and Lightpaw managed to hold down Goldenstar while Frostedshoe panted on the ground, trying to regain his thoughts. Goldenstar writhed and snarled in the she-cats' grip.

"Let me go!" he yowled. "And i'll spare you from a painful death."

"We won't let you lead this clan anymore!" Shadepaw yowled, bashing his paw into the leader's skull, dealing the death blow.

Goldenstar crumpled beneath Redpaw and Lightpaw, dead.

Blossomtail thought that was the end. His final life, shed on the battle between three apprentices, a medicine cat, and a deputy. It was all over, until he got back up.

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