rock n roll

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"okay what are you wearing?" delilah comes into my room. i stare at my mirror preparing myself for the unknown.

i turn to her. "you look so cute." she comes closer.

"i wear this dress to funerals. it was the only black dress i could find." i turn back to the mirror and try to put on my necklace. "what slutty funerals are you going to?" she walks behind me and helps me put my necklace on. "stop it."

my wardrobe is so old-fashioned. i had no idea what else to wear but this dress and my black loafers with my favorite white socks. once my necklace is on i turn to her. "you look amazing and very sexy." i admire her. she spins and poses.

she was wearing a small, sexy black top with a black mini skirt and heels. "thank you darling. say rock 'n' roll." she walks to my bookcase and grabs my polaroid camera. while coming back she puts my it up by her face getting ready to take a picture. "rock and roll." i hold up the hand gesture and stick my tongue out. she takes the picture and waits for it to print out then throws it in my drawer.

she comes up to me and turns the camera to the both of us. i pose again and she takes another picture. the flash always blinds me. "are you ready?" d drops the new picture in my drawer and holds out her hand. "no?"


delilah and i show up to the venue and i start to freak out a bit. the music is so loud the bass is bumping from outside and there's so many people. i start to breathe heavy. "hey, you okay?" d holds my hand. i nod looking around. "okay, come on." with a big smile, she leads me to the entrance. we both get our ids out and show them to the bouncer. she checks them and gives us them back.

d squeals and brings me inside with her. the music is loud and we bump into so many people on the way in.

i am so out of my comfort zone right now. the loud music, thousands of people talking at the same time, low lighting and smell of different colognes and perfumes. all of it. i was starting to lose my senses.

"let's get a drink! it's on me." delilah tries to yell over the loud noise. i nod feeling the urge to run away. i'm pulled all the way to the bar where i'm even more overstimulated. delilah orders a mai tai and waits for me to order. i don't know much about alcohol despite turning twenty-one last year. this would be the second bar i've been to since my birthday.

i nod but the bartender still stares at me like she's waiting for an answer. delilah gives me the same look and i realize i responded wrong.

"make that two, please." d smiles at the girl then comes closer to me. "i can tell you're overwhelmed, wanna go outside when we get our drinks? i'm still surprised you even came out tonight." she asks and i'm so glad she knows me.

while she's in her element, i'm out of mine.

"i told eli i'd be here." i finally speak.

"well he'll be happy to see you." she smiles. i nod then turn my head to see samara happily running up to us. "no way! you guys made it!" she's eager and animated. she hugs delilah then hugs me which i wasn't expecting. i mirror her expression to the best of my current abilities. "we wouldn't miss it. do you want a drink?" d offers.

"god no, we already pregamed. you give me more alcohol and i'll forget how to play. you're a doll though," sam kisses delilah on the cheek and my eyes widen with surprise. "i'll tell eli you're here," sam grabs my hand. "i hope you guys enjoy the show. bye!" she lets go then vanishes through the crowd.

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