Chapter 12- Lost Time

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"What do you mean I can't go to Old Corona?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

Dad sighs as he rubs his temple. "It's too dangerous. Why would you want to go out there if Varian attacked Rapunzel!?"

"He didn't attack her!! Come on, you know Nigel exaggerates, dad."

"I'm not letting you go to Old Corona." Dad firmly states. His voice was laced with ice. His cold tone served as a warning.

Despite my better judgment, I press on. "But dad-"

I'm cut off as dad slams his hand on his desk. "(Yn). Enough." His warm blue eyes had become cold and threatening. This conversation was over.

I let out a huff as I exited the king's office. It had been a week since Varian came to the palace for help, and I still wasn't allowed to visit him. It seemed like I was the only person in the entire kingdom who cared! Even Rapunzel was putting forth no effort to help Varian because of the Griffin of Pittsford's upcoming visit.

I stomp into my bedroom and Dandelion hops over to me, holding the (Yn)rium necklace in her mouth. She tilts her head and her small black eyes twinkled. I slightly chuckle as I kneel beside the rabbit. "What are you doing with this?" I ask, scratching behind one of her ears. The bunny leans her head into my hand and closes her eyes in contentment. I stare down at the necklace in my hand. I smile at the fond memories that flood my brain from the science expo.

The crowd leans closer to the stage to get a closer look while Varian reaches into the remogrifier to grab a small, purple rock. "...this. I call this new element...Cass~" Varian trails off and looks over at Cassandra, then back at me, and then the purple rock. "I call this new element, '(Yn)ruim"

My eyes widen as Varian looks over at me and winks. I walk over to Varian, take his hand in my own, and pull him down into a bow. The crowd applauds, and I see Varian smiling from ear to ear. My heart fills with pride at the sight of Varian so happy, and at him finally proving that he could do more than make things a mess.

Even when he could've won the science expo, he stayed by my side when the judge was unfair to me. He gave up his chance to prove himself to the entire kingdom for me.

I put my hands on my cheeks as my face flushes pink from the thought.

Feeling a new sense of determination, I quickly stand up. "Y'know what, Dandelion? I don't care what dad says. Varian is my best friend. He's always been there for me, so I'll be there for him. I'm going to Old Corona, and there's nothing he can do to stop me."

I march over to my closet and swing it open. I change into the outfit Cassandra gave to me and grab a satchel. After filling it with a few necessities, I head to the door, ready to start my quest.

As I place my hand on the golden doorknob, I quickly pause as the realization washes over me. I can't just walk out the front door...Someone will see me leaving for sure...

"I need a way out of here..." I mutter, glancing around the room. My (ec) eyes scan my bedroom, looking for some way to escape. A strange glimmer of light catches my attention, and I slowly approach it.

A silver Corona sun forms in the frame of my full-sized mirror as though it were magic. I gasp at the sight. "No way..." I suddenly noticed a small hole in the center of the sun that was emitting a soft golden glow. As if on cue, the silver key strung around my neck that I had found inside my compass began to shine the same golden color. The glimmering light filled my senses as I slowly removed the key from my necklace and slid it into the hole in the mirror frame.


It was a keyhole.

I can only gaze in awe as the glass inside the mirror frame slides away, revealing a secret passage. "This must've been what mom meant," I say, glancing over to a very confused-looking Dandelion. "When she said the compass could help make up for lost time. The time I was trapped in the castle!" I grin as I realize I had finally figured out the true purpose behind mom's coronation gift.

I hesitated a moment, wondering if this passage was safe. It looked like it could be hundreds of years old, and I really didn't want to be inside if it was dangerous. I quickly shake my head. I couldn't back out now. Varian needed me.

I carefully step through the mirror frame.

No turning back now.


The moon had begun to rise into the dark sky by the time I reached Old Corona. Silvery shadows were cast along the mysterious black rocks. If they weren't so deadly, they almost would've looked pretty.

I let out a small yawn; It had been a long day of walking.

Finding my way out of the secret passage was surprisingly easy. The hard part of my journey was finding my way through the thick forests to reach Varian's village. I gaze up at the moon and I feel a small pang of guilt in my chest. Mom and dad would be worried sick that I wasn't at dinner. Had they sent out a search party yet? What would they do if they found me? Will they lock me back in the palace forever? I wonder with worry.

I'm ripped away from my thoughts as I step into Old Corona. I gasp at the horrible sight. The once peaceful town looked like something out of a nightmare. Black rocks had torn through people's homes and the roads. The rocks loomed out of the ground as if they were gravestones, killing anything in their path like the plague.

I try to hold back tears. How could dad not be worried about this? Why wasn't he trying to help? He said the rocks had been removed.

The realization hits me. The king had been lying to the people of Corona. My own father had been lying to me. I quickly ran to Varian's house. There was no time to waste.

As I dash up the stone steps, I let out a small sigh of relief to see that no severe damage had come to Varian's home. I knock on the door.

No response.

I knock again. "Varian?" I call.

I wait a few moments. My heartbeat quickens as I start to imagine the worst. I don't wait to knock again, and I instead slowly push the door open. "Varian?!"

Please be okay...

Panic sends shots of adrenaline through my body as I run into Varian's lab. I frantically look around and a wave of relief washes over me when I see a familiar black-haired boy hunched over his desk. "Oh, thank the stars you're okay!" I rush over to him. "Varian, why didn't you respond when I called you?" I gently place a hand on the alchemist's shoulder.

I gasp in horror when Varian jerks around to face me. He looked horrible. His goggles were lopsidedly resting in his matted black hair and his clothes were burnt and covered by different chemicals. But the worst was his face. The lively, carefree, Varian I knew and loved was replaced by a stranger. The boy's rosy freckled cheeks were stained with tears and dirt. His eyes were puffy and red from crying, and dark circles from what I could only assume were from lack of sleep rested underneath them.

"Varian? What happened to you?" I whisper. Guilt swells up inside me the longer I stare at the poor boy. I did this to him.

"(Yn)?" Varian chokes out. "W-What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you." I try to hold back tears. "I've been trying to get to you, but dad wouldn't let me leave. I-I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry..." Mixed feelings blow around me like a hurricane. Relief, guilt, sadness, joy, worry...

Varian shakes his head. "No...don't be. I'm just happy to see you. I thought...I thought you didn't care...that you'd leave me." He softly chuckles. "Just like everyone else..."

"I'll never leave you, Varian." I softly smile at him. "You mean too much to me." I pause for a moment. "Why are you hiding away in here? Where's your dad?"

Varian's eyes widen. A single tear falls down his cheek.


He slowly points behind me.

I turn around.

Nothing could've prepared me for what I saw.


Sealed away in solid amber.

I stared at the sight in disbelief before turning back to Varian. I don't say anything and only pull him into a hug.

We cry in each other's arms.

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