Zacks back and hes angrier then ever

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No one seen anything. When I opened my eyes again I was being thrown on the cold ground from Zack's shoulders. I couldn't help my grab my head.

Pain so much pain.
How hard did he slam my head?

"Uhhh owww."

I pulled my hand away from my head and my hand was covered in my blood. My vision was blurry. Fuck how hard did he hit my head. I looked up at Zack and he was pacing back and forth. Gun in hand.

"Zack what are you doing?"

Zack stopped pacing and looked at me. He put his gun in the back of his waist band on his pants. He walked over grabbing me pulling me up to my feet and slamming me into a tree.

"I wouldn't have to do this if you didn't scream at the party and ruin everything. THIS IS YOUR FAULT ADDI!"

My tears came out fast and wet against my face.

"Please Zack just let me go okay. I won't say anything to anyone. If you don't hurt me this can go over differently."

Zack punched me in the face making the back of my head hit the tree, and I fell to the ground.

"Zack please!"

I was talking through the sting and the blood and it was pooling from my mouth and dripping onto the ground.


Zack started pacing again and this was my chance. I jumped up as fast as I could and I started running. It was so dark I couldn't see where I was going. I just knew I had to run. I was running as fast as my legs would take me and I was panting.

{Keep running Addi. Don't stop. Run!}

I got tackled to the ground and Zack flipped me over to look at him. I was underneath of his body and his hand went around my throat. I grabbed his arm trying to pull it off of me. I couldn't breathe.

{someone help me! Please!}

"I never wanted to hurt you Addi. I just wanted you to pay attention to me. Just notice me like I have always noticed you."

Zack looked down at me as tears were still coming out. I was shaking. I was so scared. I was so fucking scared.

Zack was panting on top of me. His mouth went to kissing and licking my face and neck.

{I hated this. His mouth was rough and his breathe was so fucking hot.}

I lifted my knee and connected with him underneath of his pants. I kneed him as hard as I possibly could. His reflex kicked in and he let go of me grabbing himself. I scooted out from underneath of him and tried getting up to run again.

Zack's hands went around my legs and yanked me back towards him. He started hitting and kicking me repeatedly.


I groaned and grunted crying out with every hit and kick. Pain radiates through my entire body.

{why was he so strong. He didn't look like he would be as strong as he actually was.}


Zack and me looked over to liv standing there with a flashlight. Her eyes were huge and she was staring at us.

"Zack stop! You're gonna kill her!"

Liv jumped and she started walking backwards. She looked at me and wiped her tears away.


Liv looked at me and shook her head.

"I-I'm sorry Addi"

Liv took off running like she couldn't get away from watching this fast enough.


I screamed out for Liv to help me. To get her brother off of me but she didn't come back.

{she left me! She left me!}

Zack kneeled in front of me and started tearing my shorts off of me. I was so sore from the beating. It took everything out of me to keep fighting him. Zack flipped me over to my stomach and he put his hand on top of my head holding my head down to the ground.


I couldn't stop crying. The ground was so cold and hard. I was breathing in the dirt crying. Zack's body over me had me completely pinned down. I couldn't move.

"I'm sorry Addi."

{did he just apologize to me?}

Zack rammed himself inside of me making me scream and cry out. Zack was rough and hard. Too rough. I wanted to die. He didn't let up any and his grip on the back of my head increased.

{close your eyes Addi! It willl be over soon. Think of something else!}

I was crying and grunting and I was digging my hands and nails into the dirt. The dirt in my mouth made me feel like I was going to suffocate. Zack's body pinning me made me feel more trapped then I have ever been in my entire life.

{cabin! I thought back to the summer at the cabin. The water was clear and warm. The air was refreshing. I could breathe so easily there. The cabin was one of the happiest I have ever been. I thought back to my time at the cabin with Damien.}

I closed my eyes and imagined Damien was there with me. Him and Travis both were asking me to keep holding on. Travis so amazing and sweet and kind. Damien my first love. My first protector and greatest heart break.

When Zack finally pulled himself out of me I had stopped crying. It worked. It helped. Zack stood up and was putting himself away fixing himself.

"I told you I would get to you."

I could hear Travis,Riley,and Ethan screaming my name.

{They were coming for me.}

I stood up shaking and crying. I had to grab ahold of the tree to steady myself. I had a rock in my hand. I looked over at the three running towards me. Liv was behind them. They were all running.


I could hear the worry and fear in Travis's voice. I looked at him and gave him a small smile.

"I love you."

Travis was looking at me. His legs couldn't run fast enough. I looked back to Zack.

{To my right was Travis running. In front of me was Zack. To my left was more woods. Behind me there was a cliff. I had to think fast of where I was going. If I ran to the left I could get lost again. To the right Travis could get shot. Cliff! It had to be the cliff. It's how I could save Travis and Riley from getting hurt too.}

"Addi just hear me out."

I screamed bloody murder.

I didn't wait for Zack to say anything more or finish what he wanted to say. I lifted my arm and I blasted him in the face as hard as I possibly could with the rock.

I dropped the rock that had Zack's blood on it from my hit and I turned around and started running. I was in so much pain but I had to keep running.

I was so close to the cliff when I felt it ring through my body a few times. I screamed as I jumped the cliff falling until I hit the cold water.


I could hear travis screaming for me. Blood pooled in the water around my body from the bullet holes zack just shot through me.

{black! All I could see was darkness as I fell into unconsciousness when my body hit the way to cold water.}

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