My first year in New york

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The first month in New York was honestly the toughest. I was still learning my way around and getting used to things at work. I was still not of age so it's not like I could go to the bar and have a drink and meet people. I literally didn't have anyone outside of work.

It had officially been one year on the dot since I had last seen Damien and I was doing better. Travis and me were talking again. I called him one day and we were trying to move past all the pain. We were trying the friend thing.

I had been carrying around way to much with me. Between Damien and me, my miscarriage, not truly dealing with my brother or my dads death, the abuse my dad put me through I never acknowledged even happened, the first attack I just acted like didn't happen at all, the assault I almost didn't survive from, learning how to walk again, being paralyzed, two really hard and bad break ups, the bullying I dealt with I had a lot to deal with. I had to deal with my shit and my issues before I did anything with any guy.

I swore off guys for the time being. I just focused on work and counseling. Tomorrow was my first day of classes and I was nervous. I was working my last double before my changed schedule went into effect.

"Hey Adalyn finish up cleaning section five and your good to go."

I looked over at Nate and shook my head okay. I kept cleaning and doing my thing. By the time I was done finishing everything I had to, and getting my new schedule it was ten at night by the time I headed home. I got into my apartment building and hit the elevator button. The elevator door opened and I stepped on hitting my level when I heard..

"Hold the elevator please."

I put my arm in the door stopping it from closing. I opened the text message up.


I looked up from my phone and Nate was in front of me.

"Hi Nate."

Nate stepped onto the elevator and hit the number four button.

"Do you live in the building?"
"Yeah top floor."
"Well hi neighbor."

I looked at Nate and smiled at him.

"How have we never figured out we live in the same apartment building?"

Nate laughed.

"Honestly I have no idea it certainly is a small world."

I looked at Nate as he was eyeing me up and down making my cheeks flush an embarrassing shade of red. I WAS MORTIFIED!!!!

Nate got off the elevator and smiled at me.

"Goodnight Adalyn."
"Goodnight Nate."

The elevator door closed and I could finally breathe. This was not awkward at all.

"This is going to be an interesting year."

I said the words to myself as I walked into my apartment collapsing on my couch.

First day of classes were honestly great. I really liked all of my professors and the classes were challenging, which I loved because it got me thinking in ways that I normally wouldn't. I even met a few people. When I walked into work after my classes finished Nate was waiting on me.

"Hey soo how was your first day?"

I looked over at him at the bar and smiled.

"It was good. I have some tough classes though but the professors and the people seem pretty nice."

Nate smiled at me. One of his good smiles.

"You've come a far way since you first got here you know. I'm proud of you."
"Thanks Nate. That means a lot."

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