The good and the bad

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It's been several months since the attack and I got my memories back. The questioning from the cops were honestly long and they kept asking the same exact questions on fucking repeat which honestly just irritated me. After all the questions and the investigation was done, it took them four months to find Zack who took off after the attack.

Court was long and dreadful and I hated telling strangers what he did to me. It was worth it in the end though. He got charged with rape, kidnapping, assault, evading the police and a few other charges and he was eventually sentenced to fifty years in prison without the possibility of early release.

When I got my memories back and I remembered everything, I kind of shut down for a pretty good amount of time. Mom and Todd hit such a rough patch that they ended up splitting up because of it. Todd moved to another place still in California but just not with mom anymore.

I felt bad for her. She loved Todd, and me and Damien put such a strain on them and their relationship and when I shut down it was extremely hard on her. She pulled back from Todd and they just couldn't come back from it all. It was too much for them.

Todd and me still kept in contact though. He was a huge part of my life for a while. He took on the role of my dad and I appreciated him and respected him so much for that. Todd never gave up on me even when he should have honestly.

Travis and me struggled a lot too from it. For a while he could barely touch me without me recoiling or having a flashback. Yeah I loved travis and I loved and admired him so fucking much for sticking by my side no matter how hard and ugly it did get.

I had to pretty much learn how to walk all over again. I had to wear this ugly looking brace thing on my knee just in order for my left leg to even work.
The brace went from the middle of my thigh to about my mid calf. It was bulky and ugly and even with it I still had a horrible limp and pain every single day.

It was a horrible and hard time for me and everyone in my life. After therapy I drove over to Travis's house. I knocked on the door and Riley opened it.

"Why are you knocking?"
"Sorry I still forget sometimes."

Riley looked at me and gave me a sad smile.

"He's in his room."

I walked in and shut the door behind me. After a very annoying and tiring stair climb I finally made it to Travis's room. I stood in the doorway and watched him. He was playing his Xbox and shit talking the people he was playing with. He called someone a dweeb and I couldn't help but giggle. He looked up over at me and pushed his headset off.

"How long have you been standing in my doorway like a weirdo?"

Travis had a playful smile on his face. I shrugged my shoulders looking at him.

"I havint heard anyone call someone else a dweeb since I was ten."

Travis started laughing and looking at me.

"How are you feeling today?"

I looked at Travis and smiled. I held up another acceptance letter.
"Pretty good."

Travis smiled and threw his headset off jumping up running over to me and scooping me up in a big hug. I started laughing.

"Okay so the question is which school are you going to go?"
"You mean which one do I want to go to so you and Riley and Ethan can finally accept some place."

Travis smiled and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm really leaning towards brown."
" Rhode Island huh. This is going to be amazing."

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