Chapter 1.

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Camila POV

~two weeks earlier~

Camila wasn't averagely one to have a mental break down in front of a bunch of by-passers, but this map made absolutely no sense and she was going to be late if she couldn't find her class soon.

She's never been late to a class before and she's not exactly excited about breaking that record.

She was beginning to panic if the fingers combing through silky long brunette hair was any indication.

She's been in circles now twice and nothing at all makes any sense. She looks at the time on her phone and only feels her heart rate increase and her chest tighten.

She's going to miss a class on her first god damn day because she can't find anything, and these maps don't make sense and the first person she asked for help snorted at her and just shoved past her, knocking into her shoulder like she was insignificant speck intruding on their life.

It was rather rude and if Camila wasn't already so worried about being late she'd be more pissed off than panicked.

"Hello, you look a little lost.", a soft husky voice said.

Camila's hand is tightly wound in her hair, gripping the strands as she takes her eyes off the useless map in her other hand to meet pretty green irises.

She feels her face flush with embarrassment, her hand dropping from her hair so she can shove the shaky palm in the front pocket of her jeans.

"A little yeah," She mumbles out nervously, watching the raven haired girl in front of her offer her a friendly dazzling smile.

She's quite pretty... which really doesn't help Camila's nerves any.

"What are you trying to find? I can help you."

The girl takes a cautious step forward, closer to her.

Long raven hair cascading down her shoulders and hanging messy around her face. Light make-up and a white button up with about three buttons un-done at the top that Camila tries not to stare at.

Really this girl is doing absolutely nothing for her nervousness.

"Art History," Camila bites her bottom lip briefly and looks down at the map again.

"I can't find this building." She points to it on the map as she tips it over into the pretty girl's eyesight, feeling anxious because of the fact that she's interacting with someone so attractive more so than the fact that she's been lost for the past thirty minutes.

"Yes, because it doesn't exist anymore, they really should update these maps, follow me they moved all of the classes that used to be here this way."

The girl smiles charmingly, and Camila feels her heart stutter for a minute. If Sofia were here she'd probably roll her eyes because she already knows how uselessly gay Camila is.

"Thank you," She mumbles too quietly, falling in step beside her as she takes her toward her class, going completely the opposite way than the map says to go.

She balls it up in her hand and tosses it in the nearest bin as they pass it.

Useless, useless piece of material.

"I'm Lauren by the way, what's your name?"

Lauren is still smiling, looking soft with the sunlight in her hair and warm with the slight twinkle in bright green eyes.

Camila wonders who sculpted her because she couldn't be human. She's way too pretty to be real.

"Camila," She answers shyly, blushing slightly as Lauren's eyes seem to scrutinize the details of her face as they walk, like she's trying to match detail to syllables.

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