Chapter 7.

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Camila POV

Camila pushed the glasses on her nose up before placing the end of the pen she was holding in that same hand back in her mouth to chew on. Lauren had cancelled a study session on her today and instead of going to library by herself, she decided to stay in and read something else. Her roommate must have had a similar idea because she was staying in to, typing away on her laptop.

The evening had been mostly quiet, and Camila had a little over half of the book left to read. It was taking longer than it normally would to finish because Camila's mind kept wandering off on its own, toward the raven haired that normally occupied her thoughts.

Of course, today would be no different, especially when she hasn't seen her.

She hadn't been in Kane's class earlier either.

She was starting to wonder if maybe Lauren was sick and wasn't telling her.

She doesn't know why that feels like something Lauren would do.

She's just flipping the page of her book when there's several fast knocks on her dorm room door that pull her out of her thoughts. Pulling her head up from the book to look at the door as if she could open it with her eyes.

"I got it." Sabrina says with a heavy sigh, lifting herself from her bed and crossing the room to the door.

It would have made more sense for Camila to go and get it, she was closer, but she said nothing about that as she sat up a bit more on her bed to be able to see who had been knocking when Sabrina finally pulls the door open.


Camila can't see her face but she's imagining the confused look on Sabrina's face right now.

Why would Lauren come to her door without messaging her?

She snaps the book shut that had fallen flat in her lap when she sat up and sets it on the night stand before standing up, dropping the pen on top of it and pushing her glasses back up her face again.

"Hi Sabrina, can I talk to Camila alone for a second?"

Camila nodded her head at Sabrina when she finally looked back at her, utter confusion and surprise across her face. Surprise that Lauren would be here, wanting to talk to her. Camila doesn't have time to worry about it, there must be a reason that Lauren has showed up here, knocking on her door without a message and fully aware that Sabrina could have been here.

There's something wrong.

"Okay," Sabrina lets Lauren in before stepping out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind her, casting Camila one last curious glance before she is gone.

She knows Sabrina is bound to ask her questions about this later, but she can't hardly think of that once she is gone.

"Hey." Lauren's voice quivers, eyes downcast at her feet and Camila takes a step toward her on instinct, wanting to protect her.

She only catches herself when she's a hair from wrapping her arms around the beauty.

"Laur?" She questions gently and feels her heart tug in her chest when Lauren lifts her head and she catches green eyes misting over with unshed tears.

"Can I hang out here for a while?"

Lauren blinks a few times and Camila twitches to resist the urge to pull her into a tight hug.

"Yes." She tells her softly and at that Lauren gives her a weak smile before climbing onto her bed. Camila doesn't sit by her right away, watching Lauren as she tangles her shaky hands together.

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