Chapter 4.

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Camila POV

Camila lets out a heavy sigh, the sun peeking through the curtain Sabrina had left open after she left this morning. She pouted squinting her eyes open at it, annoyed that she had to get up to shut it. Her lack of sleep over the past few days was taking its toll on her finally, opting to skip out on a morning run and just sleep in.

She pushed herself out of her bed to close the curtain and flopped back down on the mattress with a sigh, closing her eyes only to be alerted by the vibrations of her phone on the charger placed on the nightstand table beside her bed.

She groans and rolls over onto her side, blindly snatching for her phone on the nightstand and pulling the device toward her, pushing the button so the screen lights up. She sits up as she reads Lauren's name, her heart already setting off on that chase it loves to do for the beauty.

Lauren ✨🦋 (7:01 A.M.): Good morning, wanna get breakfast?

Camila nibbled at her own bottom lip as she stared at the message.

An immediate "yes" had almost been the reply she sent but she erased it, not wanting to seem too eager.

Camila🍌 (7:02 A.M.): It's Saturday, my bed is comfy

Lauren✨🦋(7:02 A.M.): Get breakfast with me 😔

Camila🍌 (7:03 A.M.): Are you pouting?

Lauren✨🦋(7:03 A.M.): I'm hungry, I'm paying??

Camila🍌 (7:04 A.M.): You don't have to pay, I'll come

Lauren✨🦋(7:04 A.M.): I'll wait for you, I may or may not already be outside your building.

Camila🍌 (7:05 A.M.): Just couldn't wait to see me again?

Lauren✨🦋 (7:05 A.M.): Ha ha funny, get your ass out of bed I'm starving

Camila🍌 (7:06 A.M.): Snippy, maybe if you ask nicely.

Lauren✨🦋(7:06 A.M.): Caaaaaamz

Camila🍌 (7:07 A.M.): Give me ten minutes

Camila's heart was racing through her entire morning routine, and it definitely took her more than ten minutes to get ready. Deciding between two different outfits and then eventually throwing them both away was a minor setback.

Was this a date?

No, Lauren had told her she doesn't date just the day before. This wouldn't be a date to Lauren, this is most likely a friend thing... but Camila can work with a friend thing.

Lauren had told her a few things to do after all, and so far, the only time Lauren's really reacted negatively is when she ran away last night... perhaps she should slow down. Lauren seems interested, but her not being into dating makes Camila think she should take things slower, just a little bit.

Less touching, more conversation... the thing she's never been the best at.

At least for flirting that is.

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