Chapter 2.

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Camila POV

Camila tangles her hair up, scooping up curly strands in her hand and winding a band around it, adjusting it carefully.

"I've been meaning to ask, why on earth is getting up at five in the morning something you want to do? To work out no less?" Sabrina's voice is scratchy with sleep and if Camila were looking at her she'd be able to see the look of pure horror on her roommate's face at this decision.

Camila snorts and turns from the mirror to look at Sabrina who was too light of a sleeper for her own good. Her hair scraggly and drowsiness still in her eyes.

"I had a system back home, I kind of lost track of it."

She shrugs nonchalantly as she ties her shoes.

"Okay psycho, I mean, I guess it explains your body. I was wondering how it looked so good." Sabrina grumbles and turns toward her wall, pulling her blanket back up to her neck.

"Turn your lamp off before you go."

Her voice muffled into the pillow.

She's never been so glad for the dim light and Costia not looking at her. It's too early to be teased about her blushing habits.

"See you later."

She offers as she switches off the light and pulls the dorm room door open, exiting once she hears Sabrina's tired grunt in goodbye.

The hall has a few dawdlers, but Camila doesn't notice as she makes her way out of the building to begin her jog, a path she mapped out last week in her head. She takes the turns and enjoys the quiet of the morning, the whip of the wind in her ears and the casual increase of her heart rate.

She's always enjoyed this, especially very early in the morning just as the sun is beginning to rise. There's hardly any people out and about and the world feels quiet.

It's a kind of peaceful Camila can never achieve any other way.

She doesn't know at exactly what time in the planned out run that she veers off across campus.

She doesn't know at what time she had stopped jogging to climb the hill and she really doesn't know at what time she finally got to the top and was now staring at the back of a head, hunched over a book or maybe a sketchpad, Camika isn't sure.

From here she can't exactly see it.

She wanted to say something, anything.

Even a simple hello, but again she felt shy and a little bit nervous and kind of stupid, after all, she didn't exactly know why she came this way in the first place.

She sighed to herself and was just turning to leave since she couldn't figure out a good opening line when Lauren twisted her body to look behind her.

She smiled instantly, and Camila's heart stuttered for a second.

"Good morning," She told her brightly.

"You always sneak up on people?" She teases, that signature smirk in place and the green in her eyes is too green for Camila to properly think before 6 A.M.

Camila blushes and rubs the back of her neck awkwardly.

"I was just running." She mumbles, voice too quiet she's almost sure Lauren doesn't hear her.

But the beauty seems to, only turning back around and hunching over her book again.

"You can sit if you want?" She calls, and Camila bites her bottom lip briefly contemplating it before taking a seat next to her, conscious that she's sweating so she makes sure there's a bit of space between them.

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