Chapter 3.

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Camila POV

"So you've tried some of that stuff, how has it gone?" Lauren is again attempting a rough sketch of her jawline, her eyes are studying her in that thoughtful way, she almost looks frustrated, but Camila knows it only has to do with the fact that Lauren is so particular.

"I think it's working?"

She says a little unsure, shifting slightly on the bench.

The night is a little warmer than the others, a stagnant breeze makes it easier for Lauren to not have to hold down her paper while she draws.

"You think?"

Lauren's fingertips reach up to touch her jawline briefly, it's as light as a feather, as if Lauren needs to touch to imprint her jawline to memory and then it's gone again, and she's erasing Camila's jawline to re-draw it.

"She seems... flirty. But I think that's just her personality." Camila answers honestly, tangling her fingers together as she allows her gaze to shift briefly between the sunset and Lauren.

Her hair is up today, a messy bun with strands of her hair falling out. Camila likes it when she wears her hair like that, even if her fingers itch to lean over and tuck the loose strands of hair behind her ear.

"Don't do that, be a little more confident Camila. You are damn beautiful, she'd be stupid to not flirt with you regardless of her personality."

Normally when Lauren says stuff like this she's meeting her eyes, looking incredibly serious which is something she rarely ever looks like unless she's getting lost in the thoughts in her head. Camila thinks she does this on purpose, so that Camila actually believes her.

The brunette blushes but Lauren misses it this time, too invested in the drawing below her.

"What else should I do, if that stuff might be working?"
Camila decides to ask, wondering what else Lauren would have to say about this.

If she's honest, she isn't sure she has the guts to incorporate any of the things Lauren might say, but maybe she would.

"Hmm, give me a second, I've almost got this."

Camila nods and watches as Lauren very slowly moves her pencil across the paper before she speeds up, and she looks somewhat pleased with the results of what she's seeing.

"It's not perfect but it's so damn close."

She lets out a soft sigh of what seems like relief and Camila can't help the smile that forms on her lips.

"I would get it perfect if this was a painting, I'm always so much better with paint."

Lauren is so interesting about her art, so particular. She never gives up either and Camila wonders how deep that quality runs, or if it's just for her art.

"If she's suggesting interest, and your flirting is working or seems to be, maybe trying asking her out?"

Camila feels her heart stop.

"Ask her out?"

She squeaks and Lauren's eyes part from the drawing below her to turn her amused stare on Camila.

"Yeah, but casually, maybe get close to her, you know, like if you're standing just take a step closer than you would if you weren't interested, make eye contact, and ask her out. But make it cool and collected, you know, in a way you can quickly recover if it seems like she's going to say no."

Lauren talks like this is clearly something obvious to do but Camila's never actually asked a girl out before.
She isn't sure she could actually do it, especially now.

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