Chapter 8.

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AN: Sooooooo 👀

Camila POV

Camila isn't sure if it's Lauren's touches, soft and in her hair and along her cheek, that wake her up, or if it's the sunlight peeking in through her window.

It's fairly bright, indicating Lauren had not shut the blinds the night before and well, that's understandable.

Camila, however, is still very tired when she manages to blink her eyes open and squint in Lauren's direction, which happens to be directly in front of her, almost as if she's been there the whole time, just watching her sleep.

She doesn't know what time it is, but she does know that it can't be that late because she still feels exhausted.

"Hi," Lauren mumbles softly in the space between them.

She brushes her thumb along Camila's cheekbone as she does so. There's a look in her eyes, a similar one to the one Camila had seen last night, maybe it hadn't left. It's making her feel warm and her heart lurch in her chest.

"Hi." She whispers back, throat somewhat dry and a raspy tone that only accompanies her voice in mornings.

"It's still early if you want to sleep more."

Lauren says quietly, almost like she fears speaking too loudly. Camila just hopes she won't pull her touch away any time soon.

She's quite enjoying it.

"What time is it?" She mumbles almost too quietly to be heard, eyelids fluttering shut every few seconds to Lauren's soothing touch.

She struggles to keep them open so that she can see her.

"Little past 7."

Camila sighs heavily and allows her eyes to stay shut when they flutter closed again, snuggling into the pillow below her. She lets her free hand find Lauren's sweater, curling into the material and moving her body closer, feeling as if there's just too much distance between them.

Lauren lets her, her touch brushing through unfortunately slightly still damp, curly knotted brown hair.

"I didn't know your hair could be so curly."

Lauren teases lightly and Camila hums slightly in response as she tangles a leg over Lauren's.

She can't be close enough right now.

Lauren is warm and safe, and her breathing is like a soothing melody.

"It's always a mess."

She grumbles slightly with her eyes shut.

She can still feel Lauren's fingers gently caressing through it, brushing her ear every once in awhile and she can't honestly figure out a time she's ever felt more comfortable than she does right now.

"I think your hair is beautiful."

Lauren nearly whispers, and Camila lets her eyes flutter open again to meet Lauren's pretty green ones.

She sucks in breath slightly at the sight of Lauren's eyes actually sparkling.

"You're beautiful."

Camila blurts and maybe she panics a little and maybe it's silly, but it does make Lauren blush slightly, and light caress the tip of her ear as if to silently communicate that she appreciates the compliment.

Camila thinks she'd say a hundred more if Lauren will let her.

"Someone's a softy when they first wake up."

She teases with a slight grin, light eyes twinkling into her own.

She's having a hard time keeping them shut when Lauren looks so beautiful and is so very close to her, even if she is exhausted and her eyes are drooping of their own accord.

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