Chapter 5.

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Camila POV

"Ugh, Camila." Lauren groans, sliding the books away from her and plopping her head in her arms.

"I'm tired, lets go get dinner."

She grumbles, glancing up at Camila through lashes.

It's adorable and it has the corners of Camila's mouth turning up in a fond smile before she can stop it.

She shakes her head to appear less affected.

"We've only been at it an hour, and I let you skip out early so we could get breakfast this morning."

Lauren had been nothing but dramatic with their new study schedule, but they only had another month until Indra's final and Camila liked to make sure she studied as much as possible for these things.

"You've increased our study days to nearly every day of the week, twice a day on Thursdays, I think it would be okay if we cut back on the hours."

There she goes again.

Camils didn't always like studying either, but she did like learning and putting as much focus as she could into her studies as she does for Sofia. If she wants to stay here she has to prove to her parents that she wants to be here, and after their feelings recently to her moving and changing majors, she knows it's going to take a lot.

"The final is coming up and I don't know about you, but it's important I do very well on it."

She fixes a pointed look on Lauren, perhaps this is why Lauren says she has a C average. She always seemed way more focused on drawing than she ever did on studying, even now, her book is filled with doodles and half-sketches, which Camila finds adorable, but Lauren is a terrible study partner.

The green eyed huffs dramatically in the seat beside her and the corner of Camila's lips are turning up again, even as she tries to repress the smile.

"You know I want to do well, this is just so boring. Come on, we can go to that one place you like."

Lauren is sitting up now, more determined to convince Camila to get out of here. She slides closer to her, batting her eyelashes and looking utterly innocent.

Camila rolls her eyes.

"My friends always go there."

She states simply and fiddles with the page in her book, trying to ignore the puppy dog eyes suddenly being sent in her direction. Of course, in the end she knows she'll give in, perhaps Lauren has already learned that as well and that's why she persists.

"We'll hide in the back."

She pops her bottom lip out in a pout and Camila is scoffing at it.

She shakes her head, avoiding eye contact the best she can. "Taylor just started working there, best not to risk it."

She states firmly, tapping her pen against her notebook.

Lauren huffs.

"Taylor, of course."

She lets out a breath and flips through the notebook in front of her. The pout dissipates on her face and Camila lets go of a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

Did she survive the Lauren Jauregui pout, or was it a merely an illusion? No doubt it will return.

"How about this, I go get us dinner from that place you like while you continue to study? I'll come back with it and that way we won't starve to death."

She seems to reason, sending about her hand in the air as if to draw a map for her mission.

Camila raises an eyebrow at her.

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