Chapter 6.

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Camila POV

In hindsight, she knew this was a bad idea the moment she stepped foot here.

Sofia was overjoyed at the idea and so were Sofia's friends.

Camila still, didn't really consider them friends.

She keeps trying, for Sofia, but most of them just really aren't for Camila. Which should have rang as another bad idea in her head when she made the decision.

She can't stand parties, so of course she did her best to avoid them, but Sofia wouldn't buy her enough if she asked for it, she wouldn't buy it at all, she'd try and figure out why Camila wants it first. If she's here, she can drink as much as she wants and Sofia herself will probably get wasted and not ask many questions and that's what she had been counting on.

She loses them pretty fast, somewhere mingling with other people, strangers that make Camila very uncomfortable and she scurries off to find the alcohol and when she does, she goes for it.

She's surprised to find Sabrina here, halfway through her third drink... well third after two shots and Sabrina may be a bit drunk to when she tries to flirt with her, but Camila brushes her off. She's not in the mood to dance, really, she just wishes Lauren was here and not with that other girl tonight... because she is with her.

Who wouldn't want to be with Lauren?

The thought alone is unsurprisingly sobering and Camila grabs two more shots before finishing her third drink, she tries to dance with her sister after Sofia catches her arm, but she feels more stifled than not, and getting drunk didn't really help her mood so eventually she's stumbling outside, leaning against a house pillar and calling the one person she shouldn't be calling in this state.

It doesn't even take one full ring before it picks up.

"Hey, where did you go tonight?"

She sounds concerned, mildly upset maybe.

Camila can't exactly decipher her mood by the sound of her voice very well right now. Perhaps she wouldn't be able to normally, Lauren is good at being a damn mystery.

"I thought you had company tonight."

It doesn't even come out the way it should, it's slurred and ridiculous that if there had been any jealous bite to it, it certainly got lost amongst her drunk speech.

The drunk part, is the only part Lauren seems to notice.

"Did Sofia force you to another party? Where are you? Are you home?"

She sounds worried, well, what Camila assumes is worry.

They are friends, why wouldn't she be concerned?

Camila's stomach flips and she doesn't know if she's going to be sick or if it's just the fact that Lauren's talking in her ear.

"I am not home."

She states very seriously, but serious comes out slurred again and it sounds funny to Camila, so she laughs, and a laugh comes out a giggle and a hiccup comes after that and when Lauren speaks again she does not sound happy.

"Where are you?"

She states calmly but Camila thinks that even drunk she knows when Lauren is serious. Even drunk Camila knows the huskier her voice the more vulnerable and she wonders why, in a moment like this, she'd sound like that.

So she asks.

"Why do you sound like that, are you worried about me?"

It's not smooth, if anything, it's everything but.

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