Vmin fight pt2

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Taehyung's pov
Am I that annoying?? I never thought that my members will hate me so much. Even Jimin hates me so much that he pushed me just because of I held his arm. They all say that I should stop smiling but this is the only way I can hide my pain from others.

Smile is a simple act that helps me hide a lot of pain. It helps me hide my painful past from others. But now as the members don't want me to smile I'll try my best to not to smile.

I was bullied in school and even my parents were so rude with me. They never involved me in any home activities. They used to go out without me. My brother even once said that I am a burden on him and that everyone teases him because I am his brother.

Am I that annoying?? Am I that clingy that no one even wants to sleep with me at night. I know I have depression but still I fear dark and I told about this to the members but they always ignore me.

Once it was a rainy day and it was completely dark outside. We all were practicing in the studio but all the members left me alone there. I went to meet pd nim and when came back I saw that everyone had left by that time.

The thundering if the clouds was so loud and then suddenly there was a power cut. I called for pd nim but even he didn't respond at that time.

The thundering and the power cut scared me to death cuz I have fear of dark. I somehow managed to get back home and saw that all the members already had their dinner and were probably sleeping leaving me alone suffering.

The next morning I asked them why did they left me alone but no one replied me. And from that day they all stopped talking to me.

And that was day I found my best friend my blade. Yes my blade is my best friend as it helps me reduce my pain for atleast some time.


Hii guys
Sorry for not updating for so long. Blame homework for this. I get tons of homework everyday so I was not getting the time to post anything but tomorrow is my exam so there was no homework so I published this

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