7 ~ Early Awkward Morning

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That's when Colin had decided he would visit her.
Although Penelope had basically kicked him out the day before, he was still determined to talk to her. He had to.
He needed to see her. Speak to her...

And make sure she stayed away from that bastard, Williams.
The thought of her kissing that man made Colin want to puke. And punch the so-called gentleman.

Colin shook his head as he checked his reflection. He normally never turned to violence. But the jealousy he felt. It was overwhelming him. Especially every time the love of his life called him Mr Bridgerton instead of Colin. Weren't they passed the formalities?

He then sighed.

He had to find out. Why was she so upset with him? And why? Why did she dismiss his declaration of courting her?

He was now more determined than ever to find out. He quickly grabbed the carnations he had ordered and marched out the door straight to the Featheringtons. Never mind the fact that it was super early.


"Mr Bridg..." Penelope began to say the moment she entered the drawing room. She was rather perplexed that he had shown up so early. And before breakfast too.

"Don't call me that!" Colin snapped, interrupting her. He couldn't help but let his anger and frustration out on her. Of course he wasn't entirely upset with her. Most of his emotions were at himself, although he still had no idea why. That was going to change.

Penelope looked at him and bit her lip. Although they hadn't talked much, she couldn't help but tease him a little. "Is this what you're like without your breakfast?"

Colin's look at her softened when she said that. It gave him a bit of hope. "It can wait."

"Did you really just say that?" Penelope asked with a smile. She wasn't sure why, but she still couldn't help but tease him.

"Yes." Colin said with a nod as he took a couple of steps closer to her.

Penelope felt her heart beat faster once again, as their eyes made contact. She noticed the look in them again. But she also notice the guilt in them. She had seen it before. When they talked about Lady Crane. Although she did notice a slight difference that she couldn't seem to fully comprehend.

"Colin." Penelope said softly as she continued to look back at him. Damn it. She should still be mad at him. Why did he have to make it so difficult to be so.

"Talk to me, Pen." He said softly, placing the flowers onto the closest table, his eyes not leaving hers.

Penelope sighed as she looked down, breaking the spell. She felt the tears returning to her face. And the one man she wanted to console her was the cause of her tears.

"Pen..." Colin said softly, quickly coming to her side. The sight of her in tear and in pain, it killed him to see her thus and he needed to rectify the situation quickly.

Although the both of them knew they shouldn't, they couldn't help but embrace one another. Her arms holding tightly to his that were wrapped around her waist and chest. Despite her feelings towards him, at least the ones she ought to be feeling, she couldn't help but feel safe in his arms. Colin, on the other hand, was trying his best to contain himself and not let the feeling of his arm on her bosom distract him.

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