10 ~ Stay Away

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"Mama! Colin! Have you read this?!" Hyacinth practically ran into the family room exclaiming, a piece of paper in hand. The mother was about to snap at the youngest Bridgerton until she saw what it was, Lady Whistledown.

"What is it?" Colin asked standing from the window. He kept worrying about Penelope. She had been on his mind all day. Even when he foolishly agreed to assist Benedict in "finding the perfect shade of silver", which took a lot longer than he had hoped.

Lady Bridgerton read the paper with much more intrigue than usual. "Colin Bridgerton!"

He knew when his mother used that tone that he was in serious trouble. He quickly went over and grabbed the paper and read...

...It appears that while the wallflower herself has changed her petals for a more satisfying palette, it has had no effect on her insipid, poisonous taste. For Mr Jacob Williams was scene scattering away from Ms Penelope Featherington's presence, during a promenade!
Although this writer was shocked by the gentleman's lack of approach, his dismissal of the youngest Featherington was not so surprising...

Although he couldn't help it, a part of Colin couldn't help but smile, imagining the wanker storming away from Penelope. His Penelope.

"Wipe that grin off your face!" Lady Bridgerton snapped at him and snapping him back to the situation. "You. Did you..."

"Did I what?" Colin asked confused and concerned.

Before his mother could even answer, Anthony came into the room clearly in raged. "You. We need to talk. Now." He said to Colin sternly before nodding to his office.

Both their mother and Kate appeared to be siding with Anthony on this one. They nodded for him to go. Although the Bridgerton wasn't entirely sure why.

Penelope took a breath as she looked out her bedroom window, she saw Colin grinning back at her from a distance but then disappear. She then took another deep breath, closing her eyes.

She went too far! Once again, her- Lady Whistledown's writings had gone too far! She should have kept it had Mr William's dismissal and ignored the rest! How, why did she include Colin in all of it! Although she did suppose that there had been people who had witnessed him there with her too and their interactions at the ball before, and to have left him out would have drawn suspicion on Lady Whistledown herself. But still, why had she gone too far!

"Hide your letters." Lady Featherington exclaimed bursting into Penelope's room unannounced and clearly in alarm.

"What? Mama?..." Penelope said alarmed herself as she watched her mother gathering all of her papers and stuffing them into an empty suitcase. Thankfully the woman was just focused on hiding papers and not seemed concerned with their contents.

"There cannot be any proof." She said closing the suitcase and hiding it under the young woman's bed.

"Proof of what?"

"This insane woman's story!" Lady Featherington exclaimed holding up the latest Whistledown issue.


"No. I, I have had enough. Between Marina and the baby, your papa's death, uncle Jack's manipulation, and now your short-lived courtship, I have had enough. I am tired of trying to keep this family's reputation from falling apart again! You have no idea, how exhausting it has been on my poor nerves." She said with a clear puff of exhaustion. She really had seemed tired of it all.

Penelope couldn't help but feel both glad and guilty about having to have put her own mama through all of that. Glad because, well, it definitely insured the mother's love for her daughters, but guilt that it had once again hurt others she did care about.

"What do you want me to do?" Penelope asked with a grin trying to sound like her innocent and helpful self.

"What do you mean, I cannot see her?" Colin asked clearly upset now.

"It's exactly as I said." Anthony said with sigh, looking at his younger brother. "You may see her at balls and gatherings, but that is all. And you much be chaperoned at all times."

"This is bull..." Colin began to yell but stopped when his brother raised his brow at him. Instead he puffed the rest out in anger.

"I know. And I understand she is your friend..." Colin himself tried his best not to cringe at the word. "And you care for her, but until this whole matter is resolved and forgotten, you cannot visit her."

Colin moved to the window, hoping he would be able to see the Featherington estate, but he couldn't. He wanted more than anything right now to be able to see Pen. To hold her. Touch her. Kiss her. All of her...

"It wont be for long." Anthony said with a small smirk and raised brow. He looked amused! What was so amusing about this situation!

"I know." Colin kept his head at the window, refusing to move.

"You'll see her sooner than you think."

"I know." But how much sooner?

"Things will turn up." Anthony said trying to be comforting.

Colin smirked and shook his head, but looked at his brother and nodded. "I hope so." He said before leaving.

He then rolled his eyes when he saw Kate sneak into the room right after him.

Author's Note:
Hey ik it's been a while since I've written a chapter. Please let me know what you think.
I will be trying to add more RMB (Romancing Mr Bridgerton) details into the story too, so let me know what you may want to see.
Anna Lee

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