harry is lowkey awesome (short)

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I nodded my head as Harry rose from the couch, his broom in his hand.

We walked out of the common room, then out of the corridors, then finally, out onto the courtyard.

"Where are we going?" I ask Harry. He looks back at me and smiles. "We're going to the Astronomy Tower," he said, "But not for long."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but decided to ignore it.

We finally made up the biggelion stairs, and we were finally on the very top of the tower. Harry walked over to an edge, and mounted his broom.

"Get on," he said, "And hold on tight."

I hesitated before I strolled over to Harry's broom. I slowly mounted behind him, before wrapping my arms on Harry's upper stomach.

And without warning, Harry swifted into the air. I shrieked out of fear, and Harry laughed. 

The fear slowly faded away as he flew steadier. He lifted his arms up, and yelled, "Woo!" While laughing and smiling like an idiot.

"Blimey, Harry!" I said, "At least hold on!" Harry laughed even louder. "Not a chance, Malfoy!" He yelled, "Try it out." 

"What, no!"

"Just do it!"

"Fine," I said, before slowly (but surely) lifting my arms off of Harry. I was a little wobbly, and Harry messed with me by lightly swerving his broom to the left.

"Harry James Potter!" I scolded, "That was scary!" Harry laughed again, and so did I. I took my arms up again, and this time I felt it.

I felt free. The wind slowly hitting my arms, my hair flying perfectly over my shoulders, I felt amazing. I feel like I could do anything right now and I wouldn't have to worry about it.

"You owe me one!" Harry laughs as he begins flying a different direction. "I do," I said. 

All of a sudden, I had a vision.

"Liliana," Hissed Lord Voldemort, "Join us. Join me and the others and you will be rewarded...You will be powerful..."

"You would be brilliant with us," Hissed Bellatrix LeStrange, holding her wand to a girl's throat.

"You could do things like this--Avada Kedavra!--And get away with it... We'll protect you, worship you... You're special, young girl."

I then saw what looked like my father, but older and with a brown-ish scrub beard, talking to Professor Snape.

"The girl is in danger," Snape said, "Your daughter." Lucius scoffed before looking in a other direction. "That girl is no daughter of mine, Severus. She's planning to get married to some un-worthy Gryffindor..." 

"Lucius, don't worry about that!" Snape said, raising his voice. "She could die! Her mind...It's connected to the Dark Lord's. To Harry's, as well. They both have scars, from killing curses trying to hit them, but... They both survived."

Lucius quickly said, "I don't want to hear about Saint Potter or Liliana. They'll be fine!" 

Suddenly I was back on my broom. And my scar hurt badly. I moaned in pain, reaching my hand up to my neck. "Ah! Ow!"

"Liliana, are you alright?" Harry asked, trying to look back at me while flying the broom. "Y-Yeah.. Just my scar-" I cut my myself off and tried to think of an excuse.

"I meant-"

"You have a scar?!" Harry asked, "What from? Why does it hurt? Do you get visions?" I sighed. "Yeah, I have a scar. Every time I tried asking my father about it, he said I got it when I was little, while playing with Draco. I do t believe him, of course. He just acts so weird when I ask him.."

"I've learned that my scar hurts a lot when Voldemort is gaining power, or when he's close. I get visions a lot, and more recently as well."

"Where is it?" Harry asked curiously. I pulled a strand of hair out of my face before saying, "My neck. Its in the shape of a diamond. It also changed colors sometimes, which is quite annoying."

"Yours changes colors?!" He asked, "Wicked."

I laughed and Me and Harry smoothly landed. "What was your vision about - the one you just had?" Harry walked around the grass, his broom skimming the green spiked floor.

"Umm.. It was like, the future?" I said, and Harry's eyes widened a little. "It showed my dad and Snape. But they looked... A little older. Maybe two or three years older."

"Snape had said something like, 'Lucius, your daughter's in danger,' and he said, 'she's no daughter of mine, she's planning to marry that Gryffindor,'"

"and Snape said that I could possibly die. And that my mind is connected to the Dark Lord's...And yours." I looked over at Harry, who seems to be taking all this information in.

"I also had a vision...but it was more like I was looking at me from someone else's perspective.." I said, as I began to push my hair into a ponytail.

"Who's?" Harry asked, "Do you know?" I looked at the ground, and began to fidget with my hands. "I think it was you, Harry..." I said, and his eyes widened big time.

"What did you see?!" He asked panicky, and I chuckled. "Nothing bad. I saw me crying in first year, then me making a potion with Parkinson last year, and a conversation that happened with you and Cho Chang."

"I think I also saw me walking into the Gryffindor common room, after my fight with Draco and the whole resorting thing."

Harry looked relieved, but still a little shaky. "Oh, good," he said, before doing his classic smile. His smile makes me happy for some reason. It reminds me that he's just a little boy, like I'm a little girl.

My face instantly lit up, and I walked closer to Harry. Before he could ask anything, I pulled him into a firm, warm, big hug.

"You're a really nice friend, y'know," I said, and I could hear Harry's smile in his voice. "So are you, Lili."

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