awkward interruption (short)

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Me and Hermione were finally finished with our classes. It had been a dreadful day of dancing and talking and I was done with it.

"We need to study," Hermione said, pulling me towards the library. "But," I yank my arm out of her grip and turn in the direction of the Gryffindor tower. "we should get rest. Today was a lot- and I thought you wanted to know about me and George?" Hermione made a thinking face for about six seconds before softening her expression.

"Okay, fine. But we do need to study before dinner," She says, following me up the stairs. I gave her a nod and we continued walking.

"Has anyone asked you to the ball yet, 'Mione?" I ask, taking my hair out of the braid I had put it in at potions class earlier. Her faced turned bright pink and she ducked her head down.

"Actually... Three people have.." She said, blushing. "Luna, Ron, and... V-... Viktor Kr-Krum," She scrunched her nose and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Hold up. Brand new information here. Luna Lovegood is gay?! Also, bloody Viktor Krum asked you-? He's like eighteen!" I say, before mumbling the password ("banana fritters") to the fat lady.

"Yeah. Its a lot, I know. But how are you not surprised about Ron? I mean, I never knew he thought of me like that.." She said, placing her bag down on one of the Gryffindor common room couches.

"Really? I thought it was kind of obvious," I mutter before plopping down on a couch that was near the fireplace.

"Mmm, maybe I just don't pay that much attention to those type of things or something," she shrugged. Hermione sat down next to me and put her head on my shoulder.

"Now, tell me all about you and George." She said, and a big smile peaked on her face. "Well..." I start, "I've always had a crush on him, y'know? I never really got the chance to tell him that because I was... How do I say this, under my brother's view all the time. But when I got moved to Gryffindor, everything kind of clicked. I mean, its hard to explain." Hermione nodded in a understanding manner, and started talking again.

"Recently, I started talking to him more. And today was just amazing. I mean, I loved dancing with him in Professor McGonagall's dancing lessons. At astronomy class, he sent me a cute paper airplane. Inside it said, 'I just can't wait for the ball.. I bet you're going to look beautiful in that dress Mrs. Malfoy sent you.' And my heart skipped a beat. I... I really like him, Hermione." I smile big before bitting my lip, nervously.

"Woah... Lili, I think you're in love with hi-" I meet eyes with Harry, standing next to Ron and I quickly interrupt Hermione with a kind-of-loud cough.

"Harry, Ron! Hi," I say, smiling. Hermione turns her head around and looks at the two boys. "Hey!" Ron says, climbing over the back of the sofa and sitting next to Hermione. Harry sat next to me and Ron.

The room filled with a very unstable and awkward silence and I squirmed trying to get comfy.

"Lets go eat dinner.." Hermione says, standing up. "Great idea, 'Mione." I say, almost jumping from my seat. Ron and Harry exchanged glances before following me and Hermione out of the common room.

This was gonna be awkward.

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