I woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was had red, gold, and white decorations throughout the dormitory. Also, there were high ceilings and a lot of space.
The bright sun shined through the big windows and I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands. My eyes trailed around the room, and I finally discovered that it was 8:13 am. I slowly sat up in the huge bed, and got a new view of the room. I could now sew a closet, bathroom, and a small pile of spellbooks.
"You're awake?" Harry asked, walking into my view. He's wearing grey sweatpants, that hang loosely around his waist, and no shirt. I feel like what I was seeing was illegal. I could see his Quidditch muscles, and a slight v-line forming above the waistband of his trousers.
I think Harry noticed me looking at his masculinity, because when I quickly looked up at his face, he was blushing furiously. "I- I d- I didn't mean to- I just-" I stuttered and hesitated, trying to say the right words but failing miserably. Harry looked at me and said, "It's okay. It's different when you do it.." I mentally raised my eyebrows. What did he-?
Oh my god. Does Harry...like me?
I mentally screamed, trying to keep content while looking at him.
"Liliana, I'm sorry..." Harry said, but I shook my head. "Don't say that." Before he could say anything back, I quickly connected my lips to his. I knew Harry had always wanted to kiss me, and I've always wanted to kiss him.
I knew he had probably imagined what it would be like to kiss my lips, so I gave him what I thought would be his Dream Kiss.
I gently moved my lips with his, softly putting my hands on his torso. He was kissing me in a proper, firm type of way, which was kinda how I thought he would kiss somebody.
He put his hands on my waist, and we kept moving our lips. It wasn't really a make-out session or anything like that, but it was more of a needed moment.
We both wanted this moment to last. The sweet feeling of his lips against mine, his cold hands around my waist, giving me goosebumps. The feeling of his lips smiling into the kiss, both of us not rushing anything to happen. It was perfect.
My ideal first kiss was this. Not the morning after I was announced as a Tri-Wizard champion and George made out with me.
Harry moved onto the bed with me, our lips still colliding with one another's.
Our lips still moved in sync, Harry now moving one of his hands to cup my cheek.
He slowly pulled away, and I did as well. We looked each other in the eyes, not saying anything. We didn't need to say anything.
I moved close to Harry and wrapped my arms around him. My legs were on his lap while my head rested in the crook of his neck.
He put his arms around my back and kissed my forehead. I turned around on him, now facing his direction. "Harry.." I said, "I really liked that."
I felt like a dork saying that. But that's what it felt like. I really liked him kissing me, what can you say?
His classic smile slid onto his face and he chuckled. "I did, too." I smiled at his words (and his adorable smile).
"Good," I said, "Where even are we, anyways?"
"Oh, I was suppose to move here when Sirius Black was out on the loose, in third year. But I declined the offer, so this room's kinda just been here. And you said that you wanted to sleep alone, so I let you."' Harry explained, and I nodded.
"Thank you," I grinned and kissed Harry's cheek. "I have to go study with Hermione in an hour, what do you want to do before then?"
Harry thought for a moment and then said, "Mm, kiss you," with a chuckle. I laughed, before making eye contact with him.
He ran his hands down to under my thighs, and pulled me up to him. I was a little shocked by this, but didn't really mind.
I slowly leaned in, and so did he. Our noses were almost touching, how close we were. I put my hands behind his neck, and locked his lips to mine again.
"Mmm," he said into the kiss, tightening his grip on my thighs. My hands went up to his hair, and I ran my hands through it. Our lips were moving in sync, our heads slowly moving from left to right.
11 days later
Things between me and Harry stayed the same. We still acted normal in front of Ron and Hermione, and no one knew about our secret kisses we'd give each other between classes.
The Yule ball was coming up very soon (it's literally in two days), and we're all in study hall, finishing our potions essay for Professor Snape. Fred threw a note to Ron, making me look up from my parchment. "Get a move on or all the good ones will be gone," Ron read, and I rolled my eyes. Boys.
"Who're you going with, then?" Ron asked, before tossing the note back to his brother. Fred raised his eyebrows before tossing a paper at Gryffindor's Chaser, Angelina Johnson. "Oi, Angelina!" He whispered, as Angelina glared at him. "What?" she said, obviously trying to do her work. "Do you-" Fred made weird hand movements, making me cringe, "want to go- to the -ball- with me?-"
George snickered from beside him and I huffed from the sight of him. "The ball? Yeah, ill go," Angelina whispered, before smiling. Fred sent Ron a exaggerated wink before going back to writing.
"Is it bad that we all have no dates, and the ball is tomorrow?" Harry asks me and Ron, and I shake my head. "I mean, people all think we're barking because of me and Harry being in the tournament," I answer and Harry sighed.
"Promise that by tomorrow, we'll all have someone to go with. Alright?" Ron said, and me and Harry nodded. "Promise," we said, and Hermione giggled.
"What? For a bloke to go alone, it's fine. But, for a girl, its just sad..." Ron says to Hermione, making my heart hurt. "I won't be going alone because believe it or not, someone asked me already!" Hermione scolded, before grabbing her roll and handing it to Snape.
"And I said yes!" She swoops back down to us, before grabbing her things and bolting out of the Great Hall. "George!" Harry whispers, "Who're you going with?" Harry had stayed friends with George just so he could tell me what he was up to, and what his "girl life" was like.
It was quite helpful, actually.
"Katie Bell," he said, and a bit of disgust twirled in my stomach. George had told me that him and Katie had no romantic chemistry, but I guess that was a lie. Harry obviously noticed my discomfort before saying, "Oh, alright." Ron had been talking to Seamus, and Professor Snape was beginning to notice.
Harry nudged him on the arm, trying to get him to stop, but Snape budded their heads down harshly, making them grunt loudly. Harry stifled a laugh, and Snape pushed Harry down as well. "Oh, bloody hell" he whispered, holding his head. "I think he ripped some of my hair out!"
"You are so dramatic," I said and shook my head. Harry was about to say something, and then, a light blue, bird-shaped parchment landed in front of me. From Theo, it read, To Liliana. I opened it slowly, and I felt that Harry was watching my every move.
Merlin. He wants to go to the ball with me. I should say no! But George is right there.. Ooh what should I do!! I (fake) smile brightly before looking behind me, at the Slytherin table. I look at Theodore and nod my head, and he smiles at me.
I turn back around to see a pissed off George Weasley, who's gathering his things, and a sad-faced Harry Potter, looking me dead in the eyes. "Who was that from? What did it say?" He asked, and I told him not to worry. "Its from one of Draco's friends. He wants to come with me to the ball."
"He's a Slytherin," Harry said, "He'll try to hurt you."
"But he asked me. He was fully aware of me being a Gryffindor, and what my reputation holds," I explain before sighing. "I barely know him, too. It'd be nice to meet some new people while I can." Harry finally gave in and said, "Alright, you have a fair point. But be aware." I held my parchment in my hands as I walked over to Professor Snape. He took the roll firmly and I turned away, grabbed my things, and headed out.
The ball was going to be a little unusual.

Another Love, George Weasley
Fanfiction(This story is kinda like a harry potter and george weasley fanfic put together idrk) Draco Malfoy's twin sister, Liliana, gets re-sorted into Gryffindor after being Slytherin's head girl for four years. When she becomes friends with Harry, Ron, Her...