Hey hey! I don't know who I'm going to the ball with, sadly. I was going to with my kinda-boyfriend, George Weasley, but... Things didn't exactly work out.
I may go with Harry and Ron, you know, so I can hang out with my friends. But I don't know what their plans are.
Do you know anything about my scar by chance?? Its been hurting a ton lately and I think now why.☹ But father always told me to not speak about it, so never really knew why I have it or why it hurts from time to time.
Hopefully things will be better soon, for both me and you.
Liliana Malfoy, your daughter!! ★

Another Love, George Weasley
Fanfiction(This story is kinda like a harry potter and george weasley fanfic put together idrk) Draco Malfoy's twin sister, Liliana, gets re-sorted into Gryffindor after being Slytherin's head girl for four years. When she becomes friends with Harry, Ron, Her...