Ch: 15- Silence before the storm

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CHAPTER: 15- Silent Before The Storm

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CHAPTER: 15- Silent Before The Storm


The eerie smell of blood floated around the Yokohama red brick warehouse as the code zero infiltrated the location, incognito. The city wasn't buzzing much, the streets were as dry and cold. Chiiyuki and Suwa stayed on top of the buildings as Takeuchi and Kurusu went by foot. They planed to infiltrate the grand warehouse where vampires were sighted, foreign vampires. Apparently, many locals had been going missing in the area. Those who were found, were either dead with a majority of their blood sucked out or violent. 

"Today we infiltrate the warehouse... it's a temporary store for various goods. It's pretty obvious to find the blood serum in there. There might be a S-class. Be on your guard." Nakajima, the general of the code zero's vampire unit commanded the elite vampire officers as Maeda was down on bed rest after the incident. 

-A few hours later- 

The team had managed to sneak in, "Damn it Takeuchi-san... what all are you even carrying?" Chiiyuki whispered to him, he was carrying a huge load of gadgets and dragging them along with him. Chiiyuki was also carrying some of it for him. "Everyone, lets go." Suwa instructed. Takeuchi smiled and pulled out a skunk ball, throwing it inside the hall where the vampires fed on innocent blood. The smell from the ball instantly made them all cry and quiver in pain. 

"Yup! It works!"

Takeuchi smiled as Yamagami commanded the troops to seal the exits, "Don't let them escape!" He ordered. Kurusu, Chiiyuki and Suwa took their stands, ready for killing all the vampires when their vulnerable state comes outside the chambers. The moment the doors broke, Takeuchi shot huge bombs at them, while Suwa and Kurusu sliced them. Chiiyuki shot their heads from a distance, wiping them all out in mere seconds. 

"Takeuchi, have you seen Maeda?" Yamagami asked as Takeuchi just shrugged, "Well, not really..." He spoke. "I wonder, how can Lt. Gen. Nakajima be so calm after the disappearance of the colonel." He said as Chiiyuki joined them. "Disappearance... you say?" She said, slightly worried. "I went to the hospital... and he wasn't there." Yamagami said. 

"Then were is he? Isn't he on bed rest-"

"Oh my, you really did defeat the European vampires..." A voice came from the door outside. The entire group switched to an alert. "Deffrot!" Suwa frowned as Kurusu quickly charged at him, yet the boy got behind him and threw him towards the wall, breaking it into cracks of concrete. Chiiyuki tried shooting bullets at him, yet he dodged them like they were nothing. Deffrot stopped and raised his hands.

"I have no intention of fighting you, so stop ganging up on me."

He said as the rest looked at him in confusion. "I just need to ask one thing, why do you do this?" He said as Kurusu shot at him, "Because you hurt our people!" He said, anger in his eyes. "I didn't mean that, I mean, why did you create the anti-vampire unit." He replied. 

"You aren't the vampire unit." He said.

"What nonsense are you speaking? We are the unit." Chiiyuki said, almost about to charge at him when Takeuchi stopped her by holding her hand in between. 

"No, you guys aren't the vampire unit. You still have your human brains and emotions intact. I mean those who are charging here to attack us."

He said as the others looked outside to see a huge swarm of monsters dressed in armors, slaughtering the vampires to shreds. "Those mindless vampires are our enemy too." Deffrot said making the rest gasp. "This, however isn't what we desire. Could it be that you don't know... your army is already putting that vampire unit in action."


They saw the vampires who bashed the other vampires to death. "That is the real vampire unit, were you truly unaware?" Deffrot spoke. "Those vampires are the monsters capable of thinking... they feel no fear, or pain. That is the true unit. I thought you guys made it."

"Never heard of it..." Chiiyuki said.

"Then that can only mean that old man I saw earlier..."

"Nakajima..." Yamagami said as he watched the brutal massacre. "All we want is a quiet and beautiful death." Deffrot spoke. "We vampires were never crazy or mindless... in fact, we were always associated with nobility and government. Being old and knowledgeable, we were a cog in the world's working. But as the world has become streamlined, we have no place to go."

He spoke, looking at Chiiyuki, "But her case gave me hope. If I could be like her, I could at least spend my last years under the sun." 

"At the time when I saw the vampire unit... artificially made vampires who were just like monsters...  I couldn't forgive it. I felt as if Japan had tainted my twilight years." He spoke in anger. "It isn't just me... the old vampires also want to end the vampire unit before we go extinct. I can't take it anymore, my heart has grown frail... I am tired." 

Deffrot then smiled at them, "You really are dangerous." He said and got away. 



- "So Nakajima was behind this all along!" Kurusu says, but Takeuchi looks a bit down.
- "My chemistry knowledge... to think he used it to create something like this..." He seems so sad as he says that. 

- "Takeuchi san! I'm sure you did a good job, but this isn't your fault!" Chiiyuki says.

- So those mindless vampires were actually made by... the head of the vampire unit himself? Where is Maeda? 

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