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Damien and me was just staring at each other. I took a deep breathe and grabbed my rag and started cleaning up all the broken glass.

"Addi are you good?"

I could hear the last worker talking to me but I couldn't say anything still.I nodded my head giving her the go ahead and she clocked out leaving. It's like my voice wouldn't work. I could feel my hands starting to shake.

{breathe Addi you havint had a panic attack in years. Fucking breathe. Just focus.}

"Ads is that really you?"

I took a deep breathe and sighed grabbing the tray of broken glass and standing up. I looked over at Damien as he just looked at me. I walked over to the bar and put the tray down. I grabbed the broom and dustpan and started sweeping up the remaining glass.

"What are you doing here Damien?"
"So your voice does work?"

I looked at Damien and sighed.

Damien looked at me and sighed.

"Okay sorry. How have you been Ads?"

"I told you to stop calling me that. How have I been? You can't be fucking serious Damien."
"You're mad?"

I dumped the dustpan in the trash and started walking away. Damien ran after me and grabbed my arm.

"I had to. I didn't want this. I didn't want to break your fucking heart. I can still see your face in the back of my head when you watched me walk away."
"I'm not fucking doing this Damien!"
"What happened Ads. What changed. You loved me once. Is it travis? You think he's going to be mad at you if we talk?"
"Damien what are you even doing here. What happened to Florida?"

Damien let go of my arm and shrugged his shoulders and ran his hand through his hair.

"Dad told me you were in New York. I mean he told me years ago but I was hoping to run into you eventually. I didn't know you worked here."

I rolled my eyes and went to walk away.


I stopped and jumped in my spot.

{fuck I hated when he yelled like that. It scared me.}

I turned around and looked at Damien. I took a step forward and crossed my arms across my chest. His friend was just standing there he looked uncomfortable.

"Fine Damien you want to know what happened? You wanna know why I'm so different?"
"Yeah I do actually."

I shook my head and bit my quivering lip. I was going to cry. I already knew it I could feel it.


Damien was just staring at me with that fucking intense gaze. God I hated that gaze.

"You left that's what happened!"
"I'm not finished!"

Damien knew I was about to cry. I could see it on his face. The sadness he always tried to mask when I would cry.

"You left. You left me when I needed you. I just had a miscarriage and you fucking left me!"
"I know."

Damien had tears in his eyes as he looked at me. His friend looked like he wanted to hug me.

"You left and and..."

I trailed off and stopped talking.

"And what Ads and what?"

Damien had concern on his face now. He was worried. He knew something was wrong. Damien took a step forward and I took a step back.

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