the BIRTH of the cure

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Trip: now we msy collectthe parts for rhe
*the y enter hobbylovve*
tristan: we mus shop for the materials akording to the restopee
legend: aha yea bro yea get into it yuh
simon: youres lame aha imme go eat the pipe cleaners mMMmMmm
trip: onk simo-chan~~ 😋
legend: omk sim on 🙄🙄😒😠😐😐😐
*they all crab walk to t here desired locations*
trip: it sais we need gems and jewels and dems trinkets two
leg: yuh shinies for da pog
trip: thisu we must aqire shyny saparkle
le🦵g: yuh shinies for da pog
p*they aquire 77 dolar worth of shimmeries*
tripapa: now we must-
legaga: BRORORORO LETS ADD THUS COOL EMO-GI😎😎😎🤪🤪 AHA GET IT HAHAHAHAH🤪🤪🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤪🤪😜😂😎🤪🤣😂😜🤪😂😂🤣😂 EMOGI BUT EMO🤪🤪🤓🥶😈😈😯
tristan: we have to follow the recipi in the chrllockles b-bro 😤😩😩😩😩
legend: j-just a sungestxiohn
trim: it ok leggings sama
narrorator: but it was nOt ok yeet/n it uwasnt
tristan: ok ok omk su shhh shush shush s h sssssshh s h h h
legemd: bro who ya chatten with????
trimpest: nnn-n-n-no one my home depot swag boy 😎
leg: uh uhhh c-cool mhm 😚
trip: so now wthen, we go and get da structure, aka bread crust and barb wire 🥳🥳😎😎🥸✨✨✨
leg: why not add some skittles, they do be pretty strong and structurebkle
trip: no 😠‼️
legend: wHHHh *whimpers* i i i i s i i uhhhh uhm u u i-i *double dampies in the middle if the hobby loubve soggy dampen floor now with damp sighn so no one tripps in the bpuddle*
the customers: 😐😐
trip: 😐
simon who is eating the paint: 😂😂🤪🤟
Xiohn: *aproaches from the back*
so my little ckhickens, how's the septicar coming along??
*legend looks up with his uncombed, sweat covered brows and orange scented hazel green foggy damp eyes to meet the gold scented eyes of le chuga maximum xiohn*
xiohn: 👁👁
legend: *chirps with soiling*
trip: haha hello b-bro um xiohn 🧑‍🦲😀😅✨
xhiohn: YOU 😡 WILL 🥸 CALL 🥵 ME ✨😎 MASTER 😎✨
trip: ok master
xiohn: ok lil buddy byebyem
simon with his paint covered moutg and glittery self: hehe mAster 🥸🥴🥴✨✨✨
xiohn: *barks at him*
they all leave after to go get brwad crusts and barb wire from the grosscery stor
the team los sexies grandes and simon get in simon convertable and drive to the bread place and wire
trip: we are at the bread place and wirw
leg end: yuh bro ξعلى ان ان يكون
trip: to be or not to be, we will see
simon: yOoooo what wire it do?? 😎🤟✨
trip: barb bruh
simon: i gochu 🤗✨
trip: legs go get the bread, i go get the war
leg: THE WAR 😱😱⁉️⁉️
triope: the. wer. 😩😩🥴💯💯⚔️
simon: the war
legend: the war
the war
trip: it's always worth it to feal the the thrill of battle
leggings for the win: aha ha ha mk bro i get bro yuh
trip: hehekekekhe training to abolish my father it is
leg: ooooooohh omk brosk i almost forgot lolz aha i get now
y/n: what this still has a plot??!!?!?!?🥶🥶😱😱🤟⁉️⁉️
trippy: yeah y/n it dioes 🥳🥳😎🤟
y/n: aha ok tristan sama
trip: yp samantha

chap 16 section uno: the wire

simon: back in this fine dining establishment yes i am
simon: here to aqire wire yes i am
simon: aha haha niw wher would i find some nice ✨rusty✨ wired barbs
atendimg citizen: he's here
the population of the establishment: *in unison* oh no not simon
lplease spare us kind sir, oh benevolent father and diaper
simon: 😠 SILENCE 😠 i demand to know where you keep your wired barbs bruh
*they all point ti the wireybarbas in da kitc in*
simon: *sniffs the wire and crawls into the kitch*
simon: mMmMMMmMMmamamamamMmMmMmm yughhhshshs rusty likemy comrades diapy
the restaurant stares in silence at their known foe
simon: tck slimes
they begin to sob slowly
simon crawls away, barbs in his mouth
but what y/n does not know is that you have reached lvl 2
simon gives the wired basbras to yur /n to keep safe until the time comes
simon winks at u as he crawewls away

chapeter 16 part two, bread crusty

legend: *enters the bread store with a slolemn expression* i am determined to not to damp i will pravail
legend: trippy is so brave yi hands te تنسرينابتينسنسسوىس هذا على war the war 😩😩‼️
so now 8 will handle the bread scrubbing
bread store salesperson: hello fine gentlemen what r u here fir 😚
legend: *whimpering* b-b-bred uh um bread y-yeah *breathing heavily*
salesbread person: aha ha ofc ofc what kind of bRËÄD sir
legend: i i i i i i i i i i uh i when uhm i i don't i d i i i don't k k k k in kn kno know i don't uhm i i don't k x -knowsj *sobs* 🥺🥺
legends thots in his head: t-trippy trips what kind of breadcrumbs is most acceptable *sobs*
hlegend collapses to he's nees and puts hands on face damatically sobbing
legend(crying)m: هذا رييس شي صحيفة اتشاتاشن ك جميع صحيفة ولا و تعبر تعبر تعبر ان سنوات شي من 😫😫😭😭😭😱😱🤧
at thes very moment xiohn arrives i n all his geology, walking in slowly as if he undiestood
legend: *soiles his undies in jowy* oh no my undies 🤧
xiohn le chungus: undies??... undeez nuts 😎✨
the bread salesperson gives them free bread, everyone clapps

paet three the war 😱‼️

trip aproches the hosehold of get ripped reindear and his 12 wives, 3 children, and 20 concubines
he skated up with hjm stake broad, his fraggle spine quaking with anxetea
trip lost and cried and damp yeet oh no he is sad andb dambedp oh no trips  on oh now ono no
rin stone chan jumped for joy! ONG GET RIPPED BROTHER
they assembled the parts to the  epic spector while trip cried and changed his diapy (which was not simon even though he is the diaper)

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