Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As time went on by May 12th of 1943 we were able to win over  north Africa with the surrender of the Axis. My unit was sent  to Italy as the allies proceeded into Sicily.

By August we had taken over immensely, causing Italy to surrender by September. In October Herston and I had been asked to return to the u.s. to a training hospital near the boot camp to train new field nurses for an operation that was to take place by the following June. We arrived by November and began teaching the new field techniques to new nurses. For months we had to deal with soldiers from the basic training camp flirting with the nurses. 

By January even Lily Herston fell for the charm of a field surgeon. and I couldn't say I blamed her. The moment they met would be a top seller dime store novel as she had originally gone to yell at him for screwing up some stitches on a guy who had needed an emergency appendectomy. She yelled at him for twenty minutes only for him to ask her on a date. Their romance had me secretly wishing to see Turner again at least one more time. 

By March 17th it was an increasingly irritating thing being stuck in the hospital just to train new field nurses. I was losing my mind and ready to do something more important than turning down men younger than me for dates. One poor fellow in particular fell off the high wall at the boot camp and snapped his leg in half. Today he had surprised when he was up and moving on crutches refusing to take no for an answer

"I promise you today is the day" he started rambling with a childish grin.

"Oh yeah? The day for what Mr. Sinclair?" I asked, staring at my clip board unamused. 

"You're going to fall for this charm of mine" he grinned 

"Sorry I've already fallen for someone else's charm" I answered, starting to think about Turner. I turned to walk away but it wasn't long till I saw I had a crippled shadow tailing me going on about how I was going to be the one to write to them while they were gone. The poor guy even hobbled after me into the hall where I ran right into Turner. I couldn't help but take advantage of the situation to get this guy off my back so I leaned into his face and gave Turner the biggest kiss I'd ever given a man before thankfully he kissed back.

"Oh hello my dear husband!" I exclaimed when I pulled away mouthing "play along please" while slightly gesturing at the soldier with a head tilt. 

He gave me a smirk "Well hello my sweet wife" he replied relief melted through me as we stared back at each other

"Oh... I didn't realize you were married, you don't wear a ring ma'am and... neither do Lieutenant," the soldier said, looking at us dubiously. 

"It's more a secret marriage" Turner falsely claimed wrapping his arm around around my waist

"Yes our families didn't quite approve" I added quickly 

"Oh" the soldier said before hobbling back to his cot I glanced around the door to make sure he was out of earshot and looked back to Turner 

"And here I thought this was going to be one of those I missed you and had to tell you how I felt about you moments" he teased 

"Oh, I missed you" I whispered "I'm sorry to have put that on you he wasn't exactly taking no for an answer and when I saw you I just... Thank you and I'm sorry, I know that was quite inappropriate of me" I apologized 

"No, don't be, I haven't been kissed like that in a long time," he said, "how have you been?" He asked 

"I've been well, I'm glad to see and kiss your smiling face.  How about you, how have you been?" I rambled 

"Well I've survived another day" he answered 

"I'm sorry that was a wildly absentminded question considering everything" I said knowing better than to ask someone fighting in a war how they were.

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