Chapter 14

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The club was hopping with people all over the place I ran right into Judy at the coat closet, she childishly jumped over the counter to give me a giant hug

"Years it's literally been years and your finally back and I have so much to tell you and I bet you have so many stories to tell us and oh my goodness Gerty!!! Aaaaahhhh you would never believe what Gerty did today" Judy started to gush 

"Let her breathe Jude" Lydia piped up as she walked towards us "Gerty's in the kitchen ignore Miss sunshine here I've been sneaking her drinks all night so she wont be nervous for a double date with me Paul and his friend Nate." Lydia smiled 

"That will eventually backfire you know" I told her with a smile it was funny to watch a Tipsy Judy 

"Last I saw gerty she was waiting tables you should check the bar for her she's bound to show up there," Lydia explained 

"Thanks I'll start there" I said giving them both a big hug before walking closer to the noisy room, the band was on fire tonight and I noticed Gerty had made a ton of improvements to the place since I had last been there. 

I sat at the bar and ordered a shlitz I had barely taken a sip when I noticed Zussman across the bar. I waved at him and noticed Gerty walk into the kitchen. I walked over to Zussman knowing I had to introduce them.

"Stay there Chicago I have a friend named Gerty that o have to introduce you too" I told him before rushing off to the kitchen. On my way I happened to glance at a table across the room and saw Winona and Claude cuddled in at a table surrounded by their friends. The sight was almost infuriating to me but then again maybe she and good ol Chicago would make a better couple

When I entered Mickey and Gerty were making a toast to the club

"Cheers" they both exclaimed and I couldn't help but to chime in

I'll take two" I called out Gerty turned around confused at first but then greeted me with her always warm smile,

" Miriam! How are you doing? Last time I saw you was the hill" Mickey said like a puppy excited to see a long lost friend

"I had to be discharged... went a little nutso on Christmas" I replied sheepishly, but grateful not many people knew about that Christmas day.

"Well where the hell have you been keeping yourself?" Gerty asked 
surprised. I shrugged at first trying to hold in everything 

"Everywhere… I  wasn't sure what to do with myself when I came back stateside." I finally admitted "went from state to state before deciding to come back to good ol chicago"

"I'm glad to see you home regardless" she said elated, her reaction made me feel happy to be where I was.

"Well let's sit at the bar and get caught up with the gossip I know there's a lot because I saw Claude and Winona tucked away with their new group of friends" I remarked "and there's a guy I'd love for you to meet I met him on D-Day poor fellow had been stabbed then I found myself telling him I had to introduce you two when we were in Marignay" I added

"You sure know how to find them" she said sarcastically 

"Actually she's already met him" Micky snickered 

"I have" Gerty asked with disbelief "well I feel awful I don't know many people who have been injured besides you and Paul. Did I know them before the war?" She asked, half interested… it was to see someone else was in her mind which made me worry that maybe I had given Zuss some false hope

"Just go out there and see who it is" Mickey said with a grin and wink. He led us all out of the kitchen and I started to badger him about how they already knew each other. Gerty as usual was lost in her own thoughts and unintentionally ignoring us, 

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