Chapter 22

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Lounged around the living room in nothing but our bathrobes and underwear  we slowly helped each other get ready for the ball as Daniel's took Joseph with him to see Mickey and Lucy before they spent the evening here at the house. 

"Hazel, do you need help with your Gibson bun there?" Gloria asked as she finished pinning Lydia's hair back 

"Yes please everytime I think I have it put together I realize I missed a curl or two" she admitted 

"it still looks amazing " gloria complimented as she helped seize the fly away curls

"Okay everyone place your best for the most dramatic thing you think is going to happen tonight" Gerty called over as she pulled out her pen and notepad 

"Bets?" Hazel asked with a laugh

"Ever since the girls were little Roger and I would place a bet with them of what we thought would be the most dramatic thing to happen at any event Roger and I would attend, from promotions to scandals anything goes max bet is five dollars minimum is .50 cents " she explained

"I have two dollars for a fight over a lady!" Judy called out as Gerty recorded her words

"That's real original" teased Lydia "I bet five dollars on a scandal" she added 

"Holy.... Lydia thats a huge bet" Gerty chided when she finally picked her jaw up from the floor.

"Go big or go home" she shrugged as she spritzed more hairspray into her hair " Hazel?" she inquired

"I bet .50 cents ... someone will have a verbal scuffle with Pierson" she claimed thoughtfully 

"Ooooo! I bet Paul says something to Lydia tonight" Luciana shrieked making Lydia roll her eyes

"I bet .50 cents someone's dress zipper breaks" Gloria piped up lighting a cigarette 

"Take it back I just bought my dress mother" Lydia squealed with a giggled 

"A dress you'll never fit in ever again" Luciana teased rubbing Lydia's stomach

"At least I still fit in it now" she bit back playfully as she rubbed Luciana's stomach back 

I joined her, "five dollars," i started as i blew a tiny bit of smoke "that Winona is going to be a little bitch" I joked

"No obvious bets Miriam" Gerty teased back 

"Alright, I bet then that, something monumental will happen tonight changing all of our lives." I said ominously 

"That's Terrifying" Judy shuttered timing it perfect with the coming of the clock

"Oh my goodness Red will be back with Mickey and the children any moment we need to get dressed" Hazel realized 

Everyone jumped from their seats like alley cats on trash day going every direction Gloria laughed as she sucked some more life from her cigarette. 

I followed Gerty into her room as we hurried and got dressed. Tonight would be an eventful night, I could feel it.

Once we all made it to the event center I noticed Gerty looking around in awe at the details in the giant building. We all found a table to sit at and I happened to see Pierson across the room arguing with someone before the event. Seeing him there put a goofy smile on my face and Lydia instantly noticed and gave me a nudge as the ceremony started. 

The lights dimmed except for at a podium near the band at the other end of the room. Davis stood up at the podium and gave a speech about the men who lost their lives while answering the call of duty. Then Mr. Turner also gave a speech about sacrifice. I could almost hear Joseph saying "no mission too difficult no sacrifice too great. Duty first" it was one of the last things I heard him say the day he died.

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