Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

my four o'clock alarm started ringing like crazy but I was still awake. My mind was busy from the previous hours. I hurried to shower and got ready for the day praying I would be able to keep this secret from Lily. I wish I hadn't mentioned anything to Lily and then there was that soldier with a broken leg. Things were definitely getting a bit messy.

 I reached the hospital by six and the nurses were in a buzz. giggling and carrying on at empty stations

 "What the hell is going on around here?" I asked Lily while looking around at the stations.

"The soldiers at boot camp are coming in for eye tests, physicals and vaccines" Lily explained handing me a bunch of folders "you're 25 I'm 26  and it just so happens we are giving shots. I grabbed our folders when I got here." she said with a devious smile  

" What are you up to?" I asked suspiciously, Lily always was good at being mischievous.

"Just open the first folder" she grinned. I opened the folder while taking a sip of my coffee which I ended up spewing out of my mouth. when I found out why she chose the stations she did. in big letters on the first page of the folder read Lieutenant Joseph Turner. 

"You're the devil" I stared at her as she couldn't stop giggling 

"Devil? more like a match maker. There's Something there that's waiting to be kindled" she declared. I tried to hide my smile with a quick swig of my coffee. If she only knew I thought to myself. She stared at me putting it all together. "Unless the kindling has already started, you never did say how dinner went" she said suspiciously 

I started getting nervous "not here Lily" I begged worried someone could be eavesdropping she grabbed my arm and started dragging me to the hall. 

The giant room fell silent for a second. I thought it was because of the spectacle Lily was making but she instantly let go of my arm. I looked up and saw soldiers starting to show up. I smiled at Lily " saved by the bell!" I sang as I turned back to my station

"Not for long" she reminded as she followed behind me "these usually take an hour" she added before walking to her station making little I'm watching you gestures at me. It was nerve wracking. I took my folder to my back table and spread the papers out where I could see them all at a glance

It wasn't long before we had a line and I met several new faces and saw some familiar faces. First, a nervous guy from Texas said his name was Daniel's he didn't care much for the needles. 
Lily had somewhat of an over exaggerated guy who made a little noise when getting his shot. I think I could hear her call him Stiles. 

"Just one needle for me, miss drug happy" called a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Aiello. I had met him clear back at Kasserine. he was pretty... What's the word… prejudice?  I'm not sure what I'd call him, Either way we still got along for the most part.

"You know Queens I have a paper here stating you actually need three shots." I laughed holding up a paper

"Holy shit I didn't know you could laugh" he balked

"Consider it an omen" I replied as I prepared his shots. 

Aiello was so antsy that I started to feel a little bad but I was in too good of a mood to care.

After giving Aiello a good scare the next familiar face was Mickey Swills. I went to school with his sister, Gerty so it was especially great to see an especially familiar face. Before he left I asked him to remind Gerty to send me an invitation to her wedding. Mickey looked a little uncomfortable. "she isn't getting married anymore" he said "and I bet it was something that Claude did but she ain't saying what" he explained
"I'm sorry to hear that... they seemed... well she seemed happy... I'm sorry" I apologized "tell the family I say hello please" I requested Mickey nodded 

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