Chapter 21

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The next morning we shuffled around the house as we all waiting for the coffee to brew Gerty was the only one who was her bouncing self and I was holding back my venomous demeanor.

With our coffees all finally in hand we found ourselves strewn across the living room once more sipping from the nice warm mug waiting for the liquid gold to wake us up. For a moment I thought my headache might be cured only to be proven wrong the moment the door started pounding. 

GO AWAY WE AREN'T READY TO DEAL WITH THE PUBLIC" I shouted. Gerty quickly covered up with a dress and greeted Zussman, Stiles, and Aiello with "a hello long time no see"

"Miriam wasn't kidding you guys look like you just rolled out of bed" I heard Zussman chuckle 

" BECAUSE WE DID" I shouted at the door then slamming a pillow over my head to kill the noise around me as Judy and Lydia ran up the stairs to make themselves decent

I eavesdropped as they changed plans for dinner instead of breakfast. I sighed in relief when I heard them and the door shut "that worked out nicely" I groaned in agony as the sound from the door echoed through my brain.  

Get up Miriam, we need to get this house ship shape before tonight"  she cheered happily I lazily reached over and grabbed the handful of beer bottles tucking them into my arm as I carried them to the bottle basket at the pace of a snail

"Can you at least not be so happy I know you're just as hung over as I am" i argued

"Actually I drank water with my beer sooooo not very hung over!" She informed me I let out a groan and continued to help clean the living room while everyone got dressed. I wanted to tie pillows to my head when Gloria turned on some Jazz music to clean to, magically it lightened everyone's moods so pounding head and all I too continued to clean. 

After everything was cleaned I went to straighten my room. And put some fresh linen on the bed. I put my journal in my purse to keep it from being read by mistake I grabbed the clothes I'd be wearing tomorrow remembering my breakfast plans at the diner with the Turners as I did so and I grabbed my black dress for tomorrow night too I was ready for tomorrow for sure. 

That night when we Daniel's and his family arrived Gloria was over then mon happy to see they brought their son. "What is this sweet little lover's name" she asked while making cute faces at him 

"Red wanted to name him after Lieutenant Turner so his name is Joseph Turner Daniel's" Hazel smiled "we call him Joey for short though." 

Shocked I looked straight to Daniels, fighting back the urge to break down. I gave a quick smile  "a perfect name for such a handsome boy" I whispered. Realizing how I wasn't ready to move on at all. Daniels pulled me in for a hug. Hazel followed suit with a hug too, "I couldn't decide on names… and when Red said Joseph I knew it was a sign" she whispered making me laugh as I wiped my tears. 

"He would've loved it" I whispered back

It wasnt long before Gloria started to herd us to the dinner table to an amazing meal she had slaved over.

That night even sharing a room with Gerty it wasn't hard for us to fall asleep. I even thought with how tired I was I'd miss breakfast with the Turners but as fate.would have it I was awake and ready to go before Gertie's alarm went off. 

I knew I should have at least told Gerty what I was doing but if I even mentioned Joseph's family I know she would have wanted details. I finally made it to the diner down the street and noticed their car right away with their Massachusetts plates. I only hoped they would be excited to see me as I was of them. 

I cautiously entered the diner and began searching for the familiar faces that belonged to the Turners. I was surprised when they found me first with a big hug from Renata Turner and a kiss on the forehead from Jeffrey Turner. A waterfall of tears escaped me as they greeted me like a long lost child breaking my heart even more as I desperately wished Joseph was here too.

"It's been too long," Renata hinted while maneuvering into the little booth at the diner. I nodded in agreement 

"There's been so much to tell you since our last conversations have been nothing but heartbreaking." I admitted "but food first I bet you are both starving" I requested as I passed the menus around the table. There was a moment of silence as we all decided on our meals, Renata didn't miss a beat after we ordered though.  She placed her hand on mine 

"How have you been?"  she gently asked

"Stable, I've been renting a room with some childhood friends and have been working at the hospital." I explained "how have you both been? " I inquired

"We've been coping.  Bernie and Loise had a baby boy they were going to name him after Joseph but... Madeleine insisted his name should be Stanley, after Louise's father... we're willing to bet they were Joseph's words not hers." Renata smiled

"I'd imagine with being as talented as she is she must get her uncle's wisdom often" I stated remembering when she told me about my pregnancy.

"Actually… its still only Aunt Scarlet who visits her… she's only seen Joseph a couple times after he passed away…" she added "it hurt her in a way I can't explain'' Renata whispered

"I bet it did, Madeleine is such a sweet soul, I can't even imagine how confusing that must be for har" I answered, feeling my heart break for her. 

"It was definitely a hard time for the girl. She's doing better though, just different growing pains than us all." Renata explained "so anything new in your life? "

"Just what I've told you, actually… well… I'm not sure how to say this, I'm kinda seeing someone, but I don't know I just can't stop telling myself he's not Joseph so why is this happening…" I rambled, unsure how to say what I was trying to say.

"Oooooo! That is exciting!" Renata cheered. My uncomfortable smile made her happy moment change to worry "oh I'm sorry… I overlooked the other part of what you were saying," she admitted. I gave her a questionable look as I knew she was a very intuitive person and normally listened very carefully to what anyone says.

"A lot of things changed when Joseph passed… and when you lost your baby, I found myself clinging to only good news, I know it must be uncomfortable talking about these things with us though" she said 

"At the end of the day we just want what Joseph would want for you and that's for you to be happy" Jeffrey whispered. 

I felt my eyes begin to swell with tears I hurried and dabbed them away, and held both Jeffrey and Renata's hands as we talked about everything new in our lives

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