Chapter 15

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When I arrived back at the Kimball's I noticed they still had family over. I thought maybe I could sneak past their family room and make it up the stairs before anyone saw me but the second the door shut Mrs. Kimball happily called me to the living room, to introduce me to her grandsons, Eddie, Toby, and Donnie. I politely greeted them as she did so as the younger two looked a smidge uncomfortable. I recognized them from the hill and the Ardennes forest. 

"Hey McLaren, how are you doing? It's been so long and we've all been worried about you, we're sorry to hear about Lieutenant Turner he was one hell of a man" the middle grandson, Toby sympathized 

"I've been doing better, still finding my part in this world without him but I'll get there, thank you though, I know Turner cared deeply for all of you and tried his best to be someone you could depend on" I whispered feeling a sadness try hard to take over me as my voice started to crack. "I should let you all get back to your visiting this should be a happy rejoiceful moment for you all, so if you'll excuse me I'm going to head up to my room now. Welcome home though you boys have shown this nation some outstanding soldiering." I explained before turning to head to my room I carefully shut the door and leaned up against the wall. Maybe coming back wouldn't be such a good idea.

Then next morning after the Kimball's returned from church Mrs. Kimball was in a flurry of a major tongue lashing and was now on a rampage about how Winona needed to let Gerty be and quit asking everyone before and after church for prayers for her since everyone knows there was something inappropriate going on in her and Claudes relationship. 

"Pray for Gerty Swills to find peace with their engagement! BAH! You know what I will pray for Gerty, I'll pray that rotten brat Winona will leave her alone. Whoring herself out! WHY THE ONLY WHORE IN THIS TOWN IS THAT DAMNED WINONA! I SWEAR KISSING A MAN AT THE TRAIN STATION FOR ALL WE KNOW THEY COULD HAVE BEEN WRITING TO EACH OTHER THIS WHOLE TIME" Mrs. Kimball raged while writing a note for Gerty. She took a deep breath to grab her bearings before turning to look at me

"Miriam, would you be a dear and deliver this to the Swills, I know if I go over there I'll be too dramatic" she sweetly requested, I happily took the letter, I was going to have Gerty explain what the hell happened between her and Claude. 

As I walked along the sidewalk I thought about all the fun times we had growing up, once I made it to the Swills house I could see memories of Gerty and I sitting on the front porch every Sunday painting our toenails talking about what we wanted to do with our futures. Sometimes Judy and Lydia would join us and talk about little things like hairstyles and cute dresses. Lydia would talk about boys and how she wanted to grow up and have a huge family. Judy was definitely boy crazy even if she was too shy to admit it. 

I finally knocked on the front door and shook the memories out of my head Gerty answered the door her eyes were full of fire even though she wore a genuine smile.

"I don't know if you've heard or not but Winona is Calling EVERYONE to pray for you to find peace in her and Claudes engagement, and stopping whoring yourself out to strange men at train stations" I informed her while passing the note to her

"Wow she's really putting her heart and soul into this," Gerty muttered "however kissing men is no where near as bad as sleeping with Claude" she added, her annoyance painting each word followed by shock as she realized what she just said.

Shock washed over me as I knew Winona was a bitch but I didn't think she was that diabolical before I could stop myself a very loud and boisterous what escaped my lips and Gerty sheepishly looked down 

"Okay I'm barging in and you're going to tell me what you know" I demanded feeling anger ignite through my body.

I grabbed her hand and stormed into the front living room seeing Gloria sitting in the room. "Mother Swills how very lovely to see you and I'm sorry to burst through your door but Gerty has some explaining to do." I announced dragging Gerty behind me.

"Please have her sit in the middle of the Davenport I'd like to understand myself." She replied as I sat Gerty down. I took a seat in the chair across from her and patiently waited for her to tell us what had happened. 

Gerty told us everything how she caught Winona and Claude in bed how she left to the bell tower after saying some horrid things to them and having Johnathon Sinclair's brothers help her move her belongings out of the apartment she shared with Winona. She finally seemed relieved to have this off her chest and I could see why she definitely more than I would have in such a situation. I also had a random wonder if the Sinclair I knew was related to Johnathons family somehow.

We found ourselves in the kitchen later on drinking some whiskey while Gloria and I smoked. I realized after a while how late it had gotten. Gloria offered to have Mickey give me a ride home but I explained that I was renting from the Kimball's and she nodded. I saw myself out the door and left for home. It felt nice to have some laugh around familiar company but the moment i was in my room and all alone again I felt guilty, like I shouldn't be enjoying myself when Joseph wasn't alive to enjoy himself either.

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