Chapter 14

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Kang Nari

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Kang Nari

Kang Nari found herself surrounded by a sense of deja vu as she remained in the backseat of her car as butler Kim drove it towards Shinhwa High. Not much had changed, Nari figured. It was the same route Nari had taken countless times, the same signals, the same trees. She supposed the sense of dread building deep within her was the same as well. 

Nothing had changed. 

Nari sighed, catching her friend's attention.

"Everything will be okay, Nari-ya." Jandi reached out and laid her hand on Nari's, giving it a comforting squeeze. 

Little did the gesture affect Nari as she turned towards Nari with worry. 

"Are you sure you don't want to remain at home or even Kang mansion? Yoon Jihoo did say to not be on the campus premise until things have calmed down. I don't think this is a good idea." Nari blabbered, her fingers clasping around her empty wrist, where her bracelet would usually sit. 

The morning following the sleepover, Jandi insisted on going to school, much to Nari's dismay. As much as she tried to convince Jandi otherwise, it bore no fruits. Hence, the pair was now on their way to Shinhwa, having dropped off Gaeul to her school on the way. 

"Hiding away would mean letting Gu Jun-pyo win. I am not a coward, Nari. I have to face my problems head on instead of running away from them." Jandi said with a promise evident in her tone.

Is that what Nari was? A coward? Someone who believed in hiding away all the time.

In a way, Nari admired her friend's courage and ability to stand up for herself and on the other hand, she envied it all the same. 

Running away. Isn't that what Nari had been doing all along? Switching from one school to the next, never truly finding a way to solve her problems. 

"You should be careful, Miss Nari." Butler Kim's voice broke through the vacuum in the car. 

"The Shinhwa heir is not someone to be undermined. He has the entire Shinhwa corp standing behind him. You should be careful as well, Miss Jandi. Should anything happen, both of you, call me the first thing. Do I make myself clear?" Butler Kim's stern voice echoed in Nari's ears as she found herself automatically nodding at his question along with Jandi. 

"Everything will be fine. I can always round-kick him in the face if he tries something." Jandi said, raising her fist in mock fighting pose. 

"Jandi." Nari let out sternly. 

"Fine." Jandi whined in response.

"I will call for either of you should things ever feel like they're getting out of hand." Jandi huffed defeatedly as she finally agreed. 

Nari still wanted to protest, to tell her to go back home or even the Kang mansion, to tell her to hide away even if it means being labelled as a coward. She had a dreary feeling about the day, almost as if doom was lingering right around the corner.

His Nari: A Boys Over Flowers FFWhere stories live. Discover now