Welcome To New York

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"Alright, I'm here," Sam announces to Nick Fury, quickly striding into the room looking particularly annoyed at being called in for some super-secret reason that apparently couldn't be discussed over the phone- on his day off.

"Good timing. I've got someone for you to meet. Someone I think would be an excellent candidate for the Avengers initiative."

Sam's head tilts slightly, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Shouldn't this go to Steve or Tony? Why me?"

"She has her... detriments and I think it would be better if she was slowly introduced. To avoid overwhelming her."

"If she's easily overwhelmed, this is probably not the job for her," Sam retorts.

"Trust me when I tell you it's for your own benefit that we don't overwhelm her," Nick cryptically comments.

"Not another assassin. Please not another assassin," Sam begs, it was bad enough that two of his closest friends were super soldiers and he was constantly surrounded by people who were trained to kill him in the blink of an eye, he didn't want to add another person to that list.

"She's not an assassin. Just unfamiliar with the world."

Sam's eyes narrow in suspicion. "How unfamiliar?"

"Very," Nick says, sliding over the file to him.

Sam skims it at first, barely taking in any of the information in front of him. Then the further he goes, the more enthralled and interested in your story he becomes and the more certain he becomes that he is not the man for the job. "She's never had contact with the outside world?"


"I can't take this on." Sam immediately slides the file back. "This is a job for Steve, Bruce- Vision, even. You want me to introduce her to everything? On top of all the baggage that this girl has. Do you hear how crazy that sounds?"

"She's unassimilated, but highly intelligent and very powerful. This is a person we want on our side."

"Don't you have agents for this kind of thing?"

"Wilson, she's a completely clean slate. A human raised in captivity without the slightest clue about the outside world. The next 2 years of her life will be the strangest, most difficult transition period we've ever seen, and it will make or break her," Fury forcefully states, sliding the file back. "In the wrong hands, she could be an apocalyptic threat. Now, I need someone on the straight and narrow. Someone with patience and experience that can work with her- introduce her to the world. You've got experience working with people with PTSD, para-rescue, you're the perfect person for this- I want it to be you."

"I want to meet her first," Sam bites back, refusing to agree to anything until he meets this mysterious person.


Together they walk into a small room just off to the side. It's brightly colored with a small TV mounted to the wall. There's scattered toys and books all around the room. It's for all intents and purposes a room for children, so he has to wonder why you're in here at all. He doesn't see your face, your back is turned and you're staring out the window, completely oblivious to the two men. Sam calls your name, not loudly enough that you're certain he's talking to you. You remain completely still, staring at the busy streets and not moving a muscle to avoid doing the wrong thing.

"Hey," Nick calls a little louder and you unfreeze at the familiar voice, the one person you'd come to trust. You whirl around and Sam has to admit that you are not what he expected. You take a look at the two men and watch them for a minute longer than socially acceptable, making Sam a little uncomfortable.

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