Out Of The Woods

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"She's up," Sam announces from the doorway that leads to your little garden.

"I know. I saw her," Bucky admits, trying to focus on the task at hand. Or trying to distract from the fact that, after two weeks, he'd seen you up. He watched you through the blind of your hospital window, you hadn't even seen him. You were talking to Sam. And Bucky smiled to himself as he watched you through the window, Sam brushed the hair out of your face, pressed a kiss to the top of your head. And then from what it looked like, Sam proceeded to mildly scold you.

And the moment he saw you awake, he froze.

What was he supposed to say to you?

What did he say to a person that risked their life to save him?

What did he say to a person he was madly in love with?

He didn't know, and now that you were awake, he knew he needed to figure it out- to get it right. It was just a lot harder than he ever realized.

"Then why are you here? You do know that she doesn't actually do any of this, right?" Sam says, gesturing to your garden.

Bucky scoffs sarcastically. "Oh, silly me! Why don't I use my magic abilities to help me?"

"I'm just saying," Sam shrugs, lightly kicking one of the mounds of dirt Bucky dug up. "She'll probably wave her hand and it'll all be back to it's pristine condition without all of this mess."

"Nothing wrong with a little elbow grease, Sam," Bucky grunts, resting the shovel against the building.

"There is when you're using it to avoid dealing with your problems."

"I don't have any problems. You just said she's awake, that's what matters."

"Mhm... so why aren't you with her?"

"Speaking of," Bucky interjects, purposefully avoiding Sam's question. "If you're here aggravating me, who's with her?"

"Oh, I left her alone."

"You what?" Bucky shouts.

"Jeez, I'm kidding! Steve and Bruce are with her. Man, you've really got it bad," Sam teases, slightly shaking his head. "Which brings me back to what you're doing here Mr. 'I Sat Covered in Her Blood for The Entirety of Her 12 Hour Surgery'?"

"Just trying to figure some things out," Bucky mutters.

"Well figure it out faster, she's been asking for you."

"She has?" Bucky asks hopefully, finally looking up off the ground.

"You two really couldn't be more blind, could you?"

"Shut up," Bucky grumbles. "I'll get cleaned up and I'll be there soon."


Bucky takes a deep breath as he walks the hallway that leads to your room. He's about to round the corner to your room, but he stops just short of your room to steel himself to say the words he's been practicing in his head over and over. It was simple- he'd just put it all out there and you could do with his feelings what you will. He stalls for another moment, gathering all his nerve to walk into your room.

His grip tightens on the bouquet of sunflowers he bought for you. "I'm an idiot," he mumbles to himself. "She can grow her own flowers. Why would I buy her flowers? She took a bullet for me and I buy her flowers."

He continues pacing just around the corner of your room, mumbling to himself about how stupid he was being. "She's your friend. You talk to her all the time- but that was before she took a bullet for you. And I bring her fucking flowers! Why would I do that?"

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