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A Week Later...

It's been a week. One entire week, and you've yet to wake up. They said that your lungs needed to rest. It's why that tube is in your throat.

Bucky thinks it's bullshit. He thinks it's all bullshit.

The sound of the lights buzzing above him, each annoying buzz grating on his last nerve.

The sound of the nurse's shoes each time they bustle in and out of the room.

But mostly, Sam. Sam paces the room- at least he does when he's there with him.

The kind side of him, the side of him that you bring out, begs him not to snap at his friend. That he's only staying busy to help cope with an impossible situation. That he's taking care of everything so Bucky doesn't have to.

But you're not there to bring that out. You're lying there, heart monitor beating steadily, inhaling and exhaling thanks to a tube in your throat.

He exhales forcefully, desperately trying to stay calm. But if he hears Sam's phone ping again, he's going to-

His thoughts are cut off by Sam's phone ringing- again.

Bucky's fist clenches tightly, his muscles tensing as he prepares to tear Sam's phone from his hand and throw it against the wall.

"What's wrong?" Steve asks from the side of him.

"It's like he doesn't even care. He's on the phone every five fucking seconds, running fucking errands," he hisses loud enough that Sam can hear him despite being on the phone.

"Bucky," Steve gently warns. Steve can see the strain on both of his friends face. Even he misses you, and he knows that you and him weren't nearly as close as you were to Sam and Bucky. Neither of them have slept, neither have been away from this hospital for longer than a few hours- he can see it's taking its toll on both the men.

"Go home and change, Bucky," Sam grits, trying to keep his composure.

Steve's eyes flicker to Bucky then Sam. He nods at Bucky, eyes flickering to the door for Bucky to go take a much needed break. Bucky looks between the two men, knowing he's not going to win this fight and caves. He stands up from his chair and barely even looking at Sam, Bucky harshly checks his shoulder as he moves past him.

"You know what? I'm sick of this- I'm sick of you," Sam spits, shoving Bucky back.

"Sam," Steve gently cajoles. Sam holds up his hand to Steve, signaling him to stay out of this. Steve sighs, slouching back down on his seat as he watches a fight that had been brewing this entire time.

"What?" Bucky grunts.

"You heard me. I'm sick of your shitty attitude. She just took a bullet for you. She took a bullet- for you," Sam says, jabbing a finger in Bucky's chest. "You know why? Because she thought you were a person worth saving. She's always thought you were a person worth saving- even when you were being the biggest asshole to her. Even when you yelled at her- she thought you were worth it."

"Well I'm not," Bucky sneers.

"Not like this you're not," Sam explodes, gesturing to the room with tears stinging his own eyes. "It would break her heart to see you like this."

"Then maybe I'm not the person she thinks I am. Maybe I'm not the person that's worth taking bullets for."

Sam scoffs in disbelief. "You're wrong. She took that bullet for you. You are that person, your head's just too far up your own ass to even see it. Be that person. Be the person that she thinks you are."

"You of all people can't be okay with this," Bucky fumes, his voice gravelly and strained from exhaustion and unbridled terror. "You can't possibly be okay with her trading her life for mine? Mine, Sam. She's everything to you, she's practically your little sister and you're okay if she dies for me? For me- of all people? She may not make it because of me."

"Bullshit," Sam scoffs again. "You're scared. You're scared and instead of dealing with it, you're here trying to pick a fight with everyone you can. I'm not going to let you- I'm not taking the bait. She made a choice, but that's what it was- her choice."

"And if she dies?" Bucky asks, his voice cracking. "Then what was it all for? Huh? Me and her? I'm in love with her and she doesn't even know it! We were supposed to have the rest of our lives and- and- now she might not even make it out of here, Sam."

"She's going to make it, Bucky. And you're gonna make her so happy, because if you don't I'm going to kick your ass," Sam vaguely threatens, his own tears forming in his eyes. "You're going to name your first born Sam- boy or girl...And it's going to be okay."

"You can't kick my ass," Bucky exhales.

"That's the part you argue with? You're giving up the name of your first born that easily?"

Bucky halfheartedly chuckles. "Knowing her? She'd probably do it- you mean a lot to her."

Sam exhales forcefully, practically groaning as he tries to keep his own tears as bay, and trying his very best to maintain his composure. "Well we're not going to do that. Definitely not going to do that. Go shower, I'll keep you posted."

Two Sides of The Same Coin: Grumpy x SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now