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When Bucky opens the door to your apartment the next morning the absolute last thing he expects to hear is music loudly echoing through the kitchen. And he most certainly doesn't expect to see you flouncing around the kitchen, looking completely unaffected from the night before.

"-Oh damn, never seen that color blue. Just think of the fun things we could do 'cause I like you," you sing along, dancing all around the kitchen completely oblivious to Bucky watching you with a smirk on his face.

"And here I thought you were going to be too hungover to get out of bed," Bucky wryly remarks, lifting the needle off of your record.

"Ah," you yelp, ducking behind the kitchen island, though unbeknownst to you, and much to Bucky's amusement, your head still slightly pokes out.

"I can still see you," Bucky quips, more than mildly amused by the situation.

"No, you can't," you call, curling yourself further into a ball.

"Yes, I can," he says, rounding the island so he's standing in front of your huddled up figure.

You look up when you see Bucky's shoes standing in front of you and the first thing you see is the mischievous grin on Bucky's face. "Oh, James!" you exclaim, standing up and dusting yourself off. "Didn't see you there!"

"Why are you hiding from me?"

You were hiding for one reason and one reason alone. It was something very important you'd learned this morning- the one thing worse than getting drunk and embarrassing yourself was remembering getting drunk and embarrassing yourself.

"What?" you scoff, dragging out the word. "I'm not hiding from you."

"So you usually curl up behind the counter?"

"Absolutely! All the time," you lie so poorly that you don't even believe yourself.

"Hmm," he nods in amusement. "It couldn't have anything to do with you getting drunk last night?"

"," you wave dismissively. "I'm totally fine. No big deal."

"Alright," he shrugs, and for a moment you think that the embarrassment is going to be short lived, but in the next you're proven very wrong. "As long as you're okay with spending the day with me and my pretty face today."

Your two hands clutch at your blushing face, cringing at the memory of your lack of a verbal filter from last night. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"So you don't think I'm pretty?" he asks with a smirk. And in that moment, he found himself back as the unbelievably charming ladies man from the 40's. Apparently riling you up was just as much fun as spending time with you.

"No!" you quickly object. "I mean yes, but-"

"Relax," Bucky laughs heartily. "I'm just messing with you, Doll."

"You are?"

"I am. Promise."

You sigh in relief. "So why are you here? And where'd Sam go?"

"What, you don't want to spend the day with me and my pretty face?" Bucky quips, laughing when he sees the furious blush on your face. "Okay, okay that was my last one. For real this time."

"I'm not sure I believe you," you huff, dramatically crossing your arms and looking away from Bucky.

Bucky playfully rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Anyway, Sam's at the compound. I imagine lecturing everyone about what happened last night. He called me so you weren't alone."

Two Sides of The Same Coin: Grumpy x SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now