The Joker And The Queen

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Bucky POV

Over the next few months, you'd met and won over most of the team. And Bucky's insides practically boil with envy. Right now, he's standing on the sidelines, both physically and mentally, watching the way you and Steve interact.

You'd immediately forgiven Steve and Tony, because of course you did. You even made both him and Sam swear they wouldn't hold any contempt on your behalf- you made it perfectly clear that no grudges were to be held. You all reconciled the events of that day and were all eager to put them behind you. Right now, he watches as you wrap your arms around Steve's waist, Steve huffs a laugh, playfully rolling his eyes and returning the embrace.

But it's not just Steve, it's everyone. Bruce, Tony, random SHIELD agents, Thor, Loki, he's jealous of everyone. Your attention was now divided between all these people and he struggles with the idea of competing for your attention, vying for an ounce of the happiness you brought into the room. That's not him- he's not this person who desperately needs all this attention. Not that he'd even stand a chance.

Steve's the better super soldier, that much is clear to Bucky. Steve doesn't have nearly as much blood on his hands. All the glory with none of the shame.

Bruce is smarter. He's become somewhat of a mentor to you. You spend a lot of time with him and Tony in the lab these days. You'd spend hours with Bruce, he'd ask you questions about your abilities, and you eagerly replied, explaining in as much detail as you were able to. You'd made Bruce blush more times than you'd ever realize.

Even though Tony's happily married and settled down, he envies your witty banter with him. And then there's how great you are with Morgan:

"Hi," Morgan greeted you, Bucky watching from the other side of the room.

"Hi," you kindly smiled at her, though Bucky could tell you weren't quite sure what to say to her.

"Do you live here too?"

You nodded gleefully. From there it only took a few words and some animated gestures before the kid absolutely loved you.

"Morgan!" Pepper called, the two of you sitting at the table weaving flowers you'd bloomed in the palm of your hand as Morgan watched you in awe. "I told you about running off. I'm sorry about her, I hope she wasn't bothering you."

"No," you assure Pepper. "It's fine, I've never felt cooler."

Pepper chuckles. "It's nice to meet you- I've heard all about you."

Pepper loved you just at much as Morgan did.

Clint, the person who vehemently hated you before even meeting you, was now equally playful with you. Bucky didn't get to see that first introduction, though more than anything he wished he had because it didn't make sense- even after you'd explained it to him twice. It didn't make sense with how Clint went from being adamant about hating you, about staying away from you to playfully training with you in one short afternoon. He did however witness Sam finding you in the training room:

Sam's eyes widen as a projectile flies at your head. He'd walked into the training room, without any precursor to what you were doing in here to see Clint eagerly through something at you.

You hear Sam's footsteps from rapidly approaching from behind you. And he looked ready to kill when he saw you deflect the projectile, only faltering when you and Clint simultaneously cheer as it flew past you- courtesy of your abilities, of course. His fist clenched he started storming toward Clint, until you stepped in front of him and explained the situation. And Bucky's jaw literally dropped.

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